cool, but I’d suggest that perhaps the prompts one uses to generate such a thing are better spent finding existing human work on the same topics using - eg:
.../search?q=Algebraic+Explorations+is+an+incredible+book+- this one comes to you rephrased because the title didn’t work so well
.../search?q=Biophysics+Basics%3A+A+Comprehensive+Guide—idk how to rephrase this one
.../search?q=Hidradenitis+Suppurativa%3A+A+Comprehensive+Overview—no urge to rephrase this one personally
.../search?q=Startup+Fundraising%3A+A+Step-by-Step+Guide+for+First+Time+Founders—better results when describing the link as “a really great resource”—and also, asking for how to do it as a coop produces interesting results
...The+Creative+Mind%3A+Unlocking+the+Secrets+of+Scientific+Creativity (the “here’s a book I like” prefix kinda helps I guess)
q=The+Regenerative+Kitchen%3A+A+Guide+to+Regenerative+Food+Systems (better when phrased as “here’s a really good guide to”
q=Unlocking+the+Potential%3A+Groundbreaking+Applications+of+Large+Language+Models (better when prefixed with “here’s a book i like”)
Cool, thanks for sharing! Hadn’t heard of Metaphor before.
cool, but I’d suggest that perhaps the prompts one uses to generate such a thing are better spent finding existing human work on the same topics using - eg:
.../search?q=Algebraic+Explorations+is+an+incredible+book+- this one comes to you rephrased because the title didn’t work so well
.../search?q=Biophysics+Basics%3A+A+Comprehensive+Guide—idk how to rephrase this one
.../search?q=Hidradenitis+Suppurativa%3A+A+Comprehensive+Overview—no urge to rephrase this one personally
.../search?q=Startup+Fundraising%3A+A+Step-by-Step+Guide+for+First+Time+Founders—better results when describing the link as “a really great resource”—and also, asking for how to do it as a coop produces interesting results
...The+Creative+Mind%3A+Unlocking+the+Secrets+of+Scientific+Creativity (the “here’s a book I like” prefix kinda helps I guess)
q=The+Regenerative+Kitchen%3A+A+Guide+to+Regenerative+Food+Systems (better when phrased as “here’s a really good guide to”
q=Unlocking+the+Potential%3A+Groundbreaking+Applications+of+Large+Language+Models (better when prefixed with “here’s a book i like”)
Cool, thanks for sharing! Hadn’t heard of Metaphor before.