Attributes of successful professors


One way to become a better researcher is to analyze what works for existing researchers. This post lists attributes that many successful professors share, specifically:

  • Context switching

  • “Hedgehog”-y (= committed to their specific field or point of view)

  • Networking (both breadth and depth)

  • Selling their work (to various audiences)

  • Switching between high-level and detail-oriented perspectives

  • Allocating their time to what’s important

At the end I also share a few takes on why AI safety researchers might want to adopt some of these attributes.

This post is based on anecdotal evidence from top STEM universities in the US, and may not generalize accordingly.

Professors are incredibly good at context switching

Many professors have schedules which are completely packed:

  • 9am faculty meeting

  • 10am teaching

  • 11:30am research meeting with student

  • 12pm lunch seminar

  • 1pm research meeting with colleague on a completely different topic

  • 1:30pm research meeting with visitor on yet another different topic

  • ...

Professors are able to successfully keep up with all these diverse obligations in part because they are skilled at context switching. (Though, some professors find it difficult to accomplish focused work on days like these, and report reserving blocks of time on e.g. weekends for focused work only.)

Professors are hedgehog-y

This refers to the hedgehog/​fox dichotomy: hedgehogs “view the world through the lens of a single defining idea” and foxes “draw on a wide variety of experiences”. Academics vary on this spectrum, but when compared to other researchers (e.g. industry researchers), or rationalists, they skew much more hedgehog-y.

Here I interpret hedgehoggyness in a broad sense. Some examples:

  • “I apply X to Y”: professor cares about any projects at the intersection of X and Y. These can be quite broad, for example ML for social good.

  • “My X helps solve/​explain Y”: professor has an expertise in X, and thinks it is a good way to view Y. For example: using tools from statistical physics to explain neural networks.

  • “I like X”: professor likes everything having anything to do with X, where X is one or more relatively narrow subfields.

Reasons why hedgehoggyness might evolve in successful professors:

  • If you are narrowly focused on one particular point of view, it’s easy to check whether something is relevant, and it’s tractable to absorb all relevant information.

  • If you have a well-defined perspective, it’s easier to come up with new research questions. For example, if your perspective is “I apply X to Y”, then whenever someone comes out with a new X, you can quickly check whether it can apply to Y. Or, whenever someone works on a new Y, you can check whether X does it better.

Advantages and disadvantages of being hedgehog-y: (some quotes from an interview with Jacob Steinhardt, an AI safety researcher who is also a professor)

  • “First of all, I think foxes are just generally more right about things. Do you want to have accurate beliefs? You should just be a fox [...]”

  • “[O]n the other hand, hedgehogs might be more likely to really change how people think about something. [...] One thing I’ve been thinking about is while you’re working on a problem you want to be more of a hedgehog.”

Professors are good at networking

Two important types of networking professors often accomplish are:

  • Depth networking: professors personally know many of the best researchers in their field. “Oh, X? Y has done work in X, I should talk to them.”

  • Breadth networking: professors are acquainted with many other professors at their university, even those in mostly unrelated fields (e.g. CS professor knowing law professor). Whenever a professor needs to navigate an unfamiliar literature, they can say: “Oh, X? I can ask Y about this…”

Professors are good at selling their work

“Selling one’s work” can take many forms: writing a paper, giving a talk, writing a grant proposal, giving an elevator pitch to a non-expert, and so on. Successful professors are good at this.

Some elaborations:

  • On writing a paper: this blog post by Jacob Steinhardt gives valuable advice, which successful professors have internalized. Some salient quotes:

    • (On writing an abstract) “The first sentence /​ phrase should be something that all readers will agree with. The second should be something that many readers would find surprising, or wouldn’t have thought about before; but it should follow from (or at least be supported by) the first sentence. The general idea is that you need to start by warming the reader up and putting them in the right context, before they can appreciate your brilliant insight.

    • (On describing the importance of your work) “Don’t beat around the bush; if the point is “A, therefore B” (where B is some good fact about your work), then say that, rather than being humble and just pointing out A.”

  • On giving a talk: there are countless guides online, they all give roughly the same good advice, which again, successful professors have internalized. Some common points:

    • Know your audience’s background.

    • Explain clearly the important ideas, without getting bogged down in details (both easy details, which everybody knows, and hard details, which nobody will remember).

    • Prepare high-quality slides.

Professors easily switch between high-level and detail-oriented perspectives

Many people primarily track either the high-level or the detail-oriented perspective in their head. Professors seem especially good at doing both high-level and detail-oriented thinking simultaneously. For example, if a professor attends a talk, they are likely doing many of the following:

  • (detail-oriented) Looking at each graph or equation and sanity checking it

  • (detail-oriented) Asking about the relevance of technical boilerplate

  • (high-level) Thinking, “what story does this research tell?”

  • (high-level) Thinking, “what are the limitations of this approach?”

  • (high-level) Thinking, “how does this research fit in with the literature I am familiar with?”

Professors allocate their time to what’s important

Successful professors seem to both have no time and plenty of time. Their schedules are completely full, but also, if something important comes up, they make time for that. This is because professors have the freedom to allocate their time to what’s important. Some examples:

Prioritizing high-value research

  • Most professors have many more research ideas than they have time.

  • Thus, professors are good at estimating the value of research ideas and picking the highest value ones (based on how good they might turn out, what resources they might need, how likely they are to succeed, how long they might take, etc.)

80/​20ing teaching

  • Teaching especially is something professors approach very differently.

  • Some notable archetypes, which all share the common theme of budgeting time effectively:

    • Working hard initially to prep a good class, then teaching that same class every year with little to no changes

    • Teaching a topic you don’t know, in order to give yourself an opportunity to learn it better

    • Teaching a topic close to your research so that little prep is required

    • Teaching as a way of recruiting students (e.g. offer positions to those who do well in your course)

    • Putting very little effort into your teaching

Understanding important bureaucracy and ignoring everything else

A common criticism of academia is bureaucratic bloat in universities significantly reduces researcher productivity. This may be true for some professors, but it seems that the most successful professors have evolved the skill of filtering for bureaucracy that matters.

Bureaucracy that matters:

  • Funding. Professors pay careful attention to the inner workings of the mechanisms that cause them to be paid, for obvious reasons.

  • Publishing. Professors pay careful attention to journal/​conference submissions, understand which papers are appropriate for which venues, understand who is organizing which conferences, and so on.

  • University politics. For example, if pre-tenure, professors have to pay careful attention that they are on track.

And then, everything else is bureaucracy for which the professor is on a need-to-know basis: e.g. random extra committees, most things involving undergraduates, ignoring the endless deluge of unimportant emails, minute details involving teaching, etc.

What non-academic AI safety can learn from professors

The main point of this post is to list various attributes that professors share, and let readers draw their own conclusions. However I do want to list a few direct considerations for AI safety researchers:

The value in being more hedgehog-y. Here I do not mean hedgehog in the sense of “Eliezer Yudkowsky has been warning us about AI risk for 200 years.” Instead I mean to propose that some junior AI safety researchers might benefit from spending more time making progress on a specific technical approach (“What do X and Y say about AI Safety?”), rather than doing general fox-y thinking.

The value in networking. For horizontal networking: if you know people who are experts in ML engineering, neuroscience, mathematics, and so on, then you can bounce research ideas off these people. For vertical networking: the more people you know doing different kinds of AI safety, the more potential collaborators you have.

The value in selling your work. Here I have two claims:

  1. Many AI safety researchers should write papers, not just blog posts.

  2. AI safety researchers should put effort into making these papers actually well-written.

A well-written paper can inspire all sorts of academic researchers to work on safety (who would have otherwise not), if it clearly describes why the considered problem is interesting. Three good overview papers are The alignment problem from a deep learning perspective, Unsolved Problems in ML Safety, and Eight Things to Know about Large Language Models, two good technical papers are Constitutional AI: Harmlessness from AI Feedback and Discovering Latent Knowledge in Language Models Without Supervision.