The proposition is not that “everybody has basically the same values”, it’s more that everybody has basically the same brains, so a meeting of minds should ideally always be possible between humans, even if it doesn’t happen in practice.
No? There exist real living breathing humans that have radically altered brain structure, such as those with one hemisphere removed via surgical procedures or who have a dramatic brain injury.
It’s also not too difficult to imagine in the future with the possibilities of more advanced genetic engineering, there could be viable humans born with brains more similar to chimpanzees or dolphins than 2023 humans.
No? There exist real living breathing humans that have radically altered brain structure, such as those with one hemisphere removed via surgical procedures or who have a dramatic brain injury.
For example, there’s the quite well known Phineas Gage:
It’s also not too difficult to imagine in the future with the possibilities of more advanced genetic engineering, there could be viable humans born with brains more similar to chimpanzees or dolphins than 2023 humans.