Remember Cached Thoughts: people might dismiss your arguments at the time by saying “That’s just your opinion, LOL!” Just don’t finish off by leaving a bad taste in their mouth (“Oh yeah? Well it’s also my opinion that you have a questionable genetic lineage, wherein your conception inolved a freelance contract on the part of your mother, which required her to bring a second set of underpants!”) Let them off with a “Fair enough, dude,” or similar platitude.
Six months later your ideas will have percolated through their (evidently) thick skull, and you’re likely to stumble upon them voicing your very argument to someone else, and thinking that they invented it.
Remember Cached Thoughts: people might dismiss your arguments at the time by saying “That’s just your opinion, LOL!” Just don’t finish off by leaving a bad taste in their mouth (“Oh yeah? Well it’s also my opinion that you have a questionable genetic lineage, wherein your conception inolved a freelance contract on the part of your mother, which required her to bring a second set of underpants!”) Let them off with a “Fair enough, dude,” or similar platitude.
Six months later your ideas will have percolated through their (evidently) thick skull, and you’re likely to stumble upon them voicing your very argument to someone else, and thinking that they invented it.
I’ve experienced this many a time.