The Three Body Problem Trilogy by Liu Cixin (books and Neflix series) features two prominent deceptive subplots. I think it fulfills Deception Genre criteria because the reader does (eventually) get the warring perspectives of both the deceivers and the deceived.
Here are the two subplots, in cryptic shorthand to avoid spoilers: 1)The 11-D proton-sized situation 2) WBs vs WFs.
“Okay, Beatrice. There was no alien, and the
flash of light you saw in the sky wasn’t a
UFO. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was
trapped in a thermal pocket and refracted
the light from Venus—Men in Black
The TV Series “Dark Skies” .. in which the US Government is orchestrating a coverup about the involvement of giant prawns from outer space in the Roswell incident, the JFK assassination, the shootdown of Gary Power’s US spyplane, erc.
The Three Body Problem Trilogy by Liu Cixin (books and Neflix series) features two prominent deceptive subplots. I think it fulfills Deception Genre criteria because the reader does (eventually) get the warring perspectives of both the deceivers and the deceived.
Here are the two subplots, in cryptic shorthand to avoid spoilers: 1)The 11-D proton-sized situation 2) WBs vs WFs.
“Okay, Beatrice. There was no alien, and the flash of light you saw in the sky wasn’t a UFO. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and refracted the light from Venus—Men in Black
The TV Series “Dark Skies” .. in which the US Government is orchestrating a coverup about the involvement of giant prawns from outer space in the Roswell incident, the JFK assassination, the shootdown of Gary Power’s US spyplane, erc.