Here’s my idea, which I’ve posted as a review on Harry has advanced transfiguration. The Philosopher’s Stone can make transfiguration permanent. Harry can bring life to dead things. This is very close to Harry being able to create copies of himself, which would surely be attractive to Harry. The question, then, is; when did Harry first realize this capacity?The possibility of creating a body double might very well have been enough to have persuaded Dumbledore to let Harry use the Philosopher’s stone, which he seems to have access to. Or Harry might have procured the stone himself, which he seems able to, intellectually. It’s just a matter of procuring a confundus charm. The current Harry could have been memory-charmed into believing he was the original Harry and this ruse may have gone on for quite some time (though reviving Hermione would have made it obvious that he had this power, and I’m not sure if Harry would have demured to do so if he thought he could. I suspect he’d have to be persuaded by someone else.) It might help in explaining why Harry could attack Voldemort, since Voldemort’s curse bound only Tom Riddles “descended from him”, and the current double would have been “descended” from Harry.
In this case our Harry could be destroyed and another Harry would still live (and could even play off his surviving destruction as a type of magic, snapping his fingers.) Similarly, could Harry sacrifice one of his doubles to create a horcrux and then inhabit a spare transfigured body, laying in stasis somewhere (like his bag of holding?) This seems a bit dark for Harry, but maybe possible.
I’m not sure what the limitations on this type of duplication magic would be. Perhaps multiple Harrys would need to be created ‘from hit points’ and even if one Harry could make another they might each be weaker or draw on the original Harry’s HPs. But an army of Harry Potters striding over the hill wouldn’t be a bad solution to this problem. Chaos Army of One. etc.
Here’s my idea, which I’ve posted as a review on Harry has advanced transfiguration. The Philosopher’s Stone can make transfiguration permanent. Harry can bring life to dead things. This is very close to Harry being able to create copies of himself, which would surely be attractive to Harry. The question, then, is; when did Harry first realize this capacity?The possibility of creating a body double might very well have been enough to have persuaded Dumbledore to let Harry use the Philosopher’s stone, which he seems to have access to. Or Harry might have procured the stone himself, which he seems able to, intellectually. It’s just a matter of procuring a confundus charm. The current Harry could have been memory-charmed into believing he was the original Harry and this ruse may have gone on for quite some time (though reviving Hermione would have made it obvious that he had this power, and I’m not sure if Harry would have demured to do so if he thought he could. I suspect he’d have to be persuaded by someone else.) It might help in explaining why Harry could attack Voldemort, since Voldemort’s curse bound only Tom Riddles “descended from him”, and the current double would have been “descended” from Harry.
In this case our Harry could be destroyed and another Harry would still live (and could even play off his surviving destruction as a type of magic, snapping his fingers.) Similarly, could Harry sacrifice one of his doubles to create a horcrux and then inhabit a spare transfigured body, laying in stasis somewhere (like his bag of holding?) This seems a bit dark for Harry, but maybe possible.
I’m not sure what the limitations on this type of duplication magic would be. Perhaps multiple Harrys would need to be created ‘from hit points’ and even if one Harry could make another they might each be weaker or draw on the original Harry’s HPs. But an army of Harry Potters striding over the hill wouldn’t be a bad solution to this problem. Chaos Army of One. etc.