Voldemort is going full Bond villain and talking when he should be killing.
Harry has some power that Voldemort knows that, that very possibly could die with Harry. It seems like the right play for Voldemort to let him talk for a bit.
Harry and Voldemort spent a long time brewing that potion. Haven’t worked out a timetable but I figure Harry’s got a fair chance of stalling until someone notices him gone.
It was about an hour. Somewhere between three and four hours remain until someone Harry leaves, and it may be further until someone notices that he is gone.
Somewhere between three and four hours remain until someone Harry leaves, and it may be further until someone notices that he is gone.
It’s June 13, 1992. The moon had already risen by the time they got to the graveyard (“The moon above was over three-quarters full, already seeming bright with night not fully fallen.” Ch. 111). Hogwarts is located in Scotland, and the moon tables for that date show that in Glasgow, the moon rose at 8:48 pm, local time. It’s not quite dark yet. The resurrection of Hermione and Voldemort recovering his body take some time.
By the time the Death Eaters arrive, it’s night (“The gibbous moon riding higher in the cloudless sky, the stars and wash of the Milky Way visible in all their majesty within the darkness” Ch. 113). At that date the sun set at 10:03 pm in Scotland.
Now, at 11:04 Harry checks his watch and shortly thereafter receives the (fake) message. Harry goes back in time 5 hours and is confirmed to be in the past at 6:45 (11:45 future time). I don’t know how long it took to possibly talk to Cedric and walk all the way back to the castle and make it to the third-floor corridor in time. If he gave himself some 10-15 minutes travel time, he’s got at most an hour and a half before his departure from the Quiddich field.
Harry has some power that Voldemort knows that, that very possibly could die with Harry. It seems like the right play for Voldemort to let him talk for a bit.
It was about an hour. Somewhere between three and four hours remain until someone Harry leaves, and it may be further until someone notices that he is gone.
It’s June 13, 1992. The moon had already risen by the time they got to the graveyard (“The moon above was over three-quarters full, already seeming bright with night not fully fallen.” Ch. 111). Hogwarts is located in Scotland, and the moon tables for that date show that in Glasgow, the moon rose at 8:48 pm, local time. It’s not quite dark yet. The resurrection of Hermione and Voldemort recovering his body take some time.
By the time the Death Eaters arrive, it’s night (“The gibbous moon riding higher in the cloudless sky, the stars and wash of the Milky Way visible in all their majesty within the darkness” Ch. 113). At that date the sun set at 10:03 pm in Scotland.
Now, at 11:04 Harry checks his watch and shortly thereafter receives the (fake) message. Harry goes back in time 5 hours and is confirmed to be in the past at 6:45 (11:45 future time). I don’t know how long it took to possibly talk to Cedric and walk all the way back to the castle and make it to the third-floor corridor in time. If he gave himself some 10-15 minutes travel time, he’s got at most an hour and a half before his departure from the Quiddich field.