Yes, but given that he might be tied to the horcrux network, that is strictly a more dire defeat than just letting Voldemort kill him. There is a chance his demise will poison the horcruxi for Voldemort—if they are both in there, that should obviously set of the resonance, and that is the end of the dark lord. This is useless as a strategy because if it works at all, it is what will happen if he just does nothing, But bringing it to Voldemort’s attention is a loosing move.
I spent a fair bit of time thinking of things to tell Voldemort to get him to stop, but every single idea I came up with had very similar problems to that one—The only things likely to hold his attention are things that make him more of a danger to the world, or threats to his continued existence he should remain ignorant of.
Hence the lightbomb. Then either bluff that he is casting fiend-fire or deliberately trigger the resonance.
Yes, but given that he might be tied to the horcrux network, that is strictly a more dire defeat than just letting Voldemort kill him. There is a chance his demise will poison the horcruxi for Voldemort—if they are both in there, that should obviously set of the resonance, and that is the end of the dark lord. This is useless as a strategy because if it works at all, it is what will happen if he just does nothing, But bringing it to Voldemort’s attention is a loosing move.
I spent a fair bit of time thinking of things to tell Voldemort to get him to stop, but every single idea I came up with had very similar problems to that one—The only things likely to hold his attention are things that make him more of a danger to the world, or threats to his continued existence he should remain ignorant of.
Hence the lightbomb. Then either bluff that he is casting fiend-fire or deliberately trigger the resonance.