I really do like dxu’s “If you harm me greatly, the universe will end” or something similar in Parseltounge, though. (Since it will end with or without Harry’s intervention, this is still true.) It seems the most elegant solution and would buy time to implement some other solution. hm. This system ate my previous post.
I’ll have to rewrite it.
While this might be a little deus ex machina for Eliezer Yudkowsky, Harry can create a doppleganger of himself. He’s recently learned more complex transfigurations. Dumbledore had access to the Philosopher’s Stone, which could make such transfigurations permanent. Harry’s special patronus seems to help the process in some cases. These are very complementary abilities.
If Harry could clone a copy of himself from a part of himself, and that copy could be made to forget it’s origin then the captured Harry might not have to be the real Harry at all, and could be sacrificed. Harry could theoretically make an army of himself, even, and hide them in his bag of holding or some other place like a clown car. Further, Harry could clone himself and use that clone to make a horcrux gaining some kind of immortality without murder. I doubt that Dumbeldore would allow such dark magics, though.
I really do like dxu’s “If you harm me greatly, the universe will end” or something similar in Parseltounge, though. (Since it will end with or without Harry’s intervention, this is still true.) It seems the most elegant solution and would buy time to implement some other solution. hm. This system ate my previous post.
I’ll have to rewrite it.
While this might be a little deus ex machina for Eliezer Yudkowsky, Harry can create a doppleganger of himself. He’s recently learned more complex transfigurations. Dumbledore had access to the Philosopher’s Stone, which could make such transfigurations permanent. Harry’s special patronus seems to help the process in some cases. These are very complementary abilities.
If Harry could clone a copy of himself from a part of himself, and that copy could be made to forget it’s origin then the captured Harry might not have to be the real Harry at all, and could be sacrificed. Harry could theoretically make an army of himself, even, and hide them in his bag of holding or some other place like a clown car. Further, Harry could clone himself and use that clone to make a horcrux gaining some kind of immortality without murder. I doubt that Dumbeldore would allow such dark magics, though.