Surely following Voldemort’s exact instructions and giving up his secrets would equally count as losing, without risking annoying Voldemort and getting killed or punished if your hypothesis is wrong?
Of course, that would count as losing as well. I just think he needs to explicitly acknowledge that he is losing, so that Voldemort doesn’t think he is secretly plotting something else.
I’m just worried that this is all a big setup, and the 37 “Death Eaters” are really Harry’s allies in disguise and Imperiused, so any attempt to get out will cause Harry to end up killing all of his friends and put him on the true path towards destroying the stars. There was enough potential foreshadowing for this to be true.
-They aren’t wearing the correct battle armor, only a hastily transfigured replica.
-LV explicitly said he expected Harry’s friends to show up later than they did (which could mean they were supposed to be there for this ritual).
-The two main ones I’ve heard people talk about seem to be Lucius Malfoy and Sirius Black, both of whom are arguably now Harry’s allies.
They all showed up when the Dark Mark was called, only one of them has a transfigured mask replica, and no Death Eaters are likely to be allies to Harry since Voldemort can apparently just will them into seven smoldering pieces at any time.
Surely following Voldemort’s exact instructions and giving up his secrets would equally count as losing, without risking annoying Voldemort and getting killed or punished if your hypothesis is wrong?
Of course, that would count as losing as well. I just think he needs to explicitly acknowledge that he is losing, so that Voldemort doesn’t think he is secretly plotting something else.
I’m just worried that this is all a big setup, and the 37 “Death Eaters” are really Harry’s allies in disguise and Imperiused, so any attempt to get out will cause Harry to end up killing all of his friends and put him on the true path towards destroying the stars. There was enough potential foreshadowing for this to be true.
-They aren’t wearing the correct battle armor, only a hastily transfigured replica.
-LV explicitly said he expected Harry’s friends to show up later than they did (which could mean they were supposed to be there for this ritual).
-The two main ones I’ve heard people talk about seem to be Lucius Malfoy and Sirius Black, both of whom are arguably now Harry’s allies.
They all showed up when the Dark Mark was called, only one of them has a transfigured mask replica, and no Death Eaters are likely to be allies to Harry since Voldemort can apparently just will them into seven smoldering pieces at any time.
Yes, but who called the Dark Mark, and pointed out the transfigured mask. It could all be a ruse by LV. Constant Vigilance!