Hm. Minerva wouldn’t do it. If Snape would, the Weasleys wouldn’t know that.
Dumbledore at least knows it was the Weasleys, so I count that as weak evidence towards him...
Quirrel was probably not involved. His extra strong reaction to Harry mentioning that the newpaper spoke of a prophecy suggests he was not pretending ignorance during that whole conversation, since that reaction probably came from Voldemort, not from the Quirrel-role.
But I don’t know that it even had to be someone of that power level, or for that matter a Hogwarts teacher.
It’s also curious why Quirrel only deduced that it was the Weasleys after he figured out the method used. What’s so Weasley-like about reverse memory-charming?
Hm. Minerva wouldn’t do it. If Snape would, the Weasleys wouldn’t know that.
Dumbledore at least knows it was the Weasleys, so I count that as weak evidence towards him...
Quirrel was probably not involved. His extra strong reaction to Harry mentioning that the newpaper spoke of a prophecy suggests he was not pretending ignorance during that whole conversation, since that reaction probably came from Voldemort, not from the Quirrel-role.
But I don’t know that it even had to be someone of that power level, or for that matter a Hogwarts teacher.
It’s also curious why Quirrel only deduced that it was the Weasleys after he figured out the method used. What’s so Weasley-like about reverse memory-charming?