I see, you’re disagreeing with JenniferRM’s prediction that this is what the official Bad Ending will be, but you want to see it written anyway. (Or maybe you agree with, or are agnostic about, Jennifer’s prediction as far as it goes, but even so don’t think that the Bad Ending will be as inspiredly dark as Dorikka proposed.)
I expect that (as with _Three Worlds Collide_), EY has already written both endings, and will show us both if we win.
Not the bad ending, the ending where Harry survives and has been transformed by the vow into an unFriendly intelligence.
I see, you’re disagreeing with JenniferRM’s prediction that this is what the official Bad Ending will be, but you want to see it written anyway. (Or maybe you agree with, or are agnostic about, Jennifer’s prediction as far as it goes, but even so don’t think that the Bad Ending will be as inspiredly dark as Dorikka proposed.)
Then I agree with you!