Easily reduced, in theory; educate them about the false dichotomy and other basic fallacies -early-, and have it cost them marks when said basic fallacies punctuate their thinking, the same as any other error.
Of course, it’s not so easy to get that implemented in the broader system, in a world where people refuse to be taught how to think. But while we’re talking about the “ideal” education...
One problem with a professor telling students “I may be wrong.” is that many of the students will hear that as “You must be right.”
Easily reduced, in theory; educate them about the false dichotomy and other basic fallacies -early-, and have it cost them marks when said basic fallacies punctuate their thinking, the same as any other error.
Of course, it’s not so easy to get that implemented in the broader system, in a world where people refuse to be taught how to think. But while we’re talking about the “ideal” education...
Yum. More student punishment. Sweet.