Omega has predicted that you would think about this, and within its exposé / proof of its immense mental powers includes both a solution to Löb’s Theorem (which you will conveniently forget as soon as you have made your decision) and a formal proof of an elimination-based prediction algorithm (also conveniently forgotten) which simulates and eliminates every other possible universe (ad infinitum) except the one you are in, which allows Omega to predict the remaining possible state with 0.999...9 precision, AKA 1.
Slightly Less Convenient World:
Omega has predicted that you would think about this, and within its exposé / proof of its immense mental powers includes both a solution to Löb’s Theorem (which you will conveniently forget as soon as you have made your decision) and a formal proof of an elimination-based prediction algorithm (also conveniently forgotten) which simulates and eliminates every other possible universe (ad infinitum) except the one you are in, which allows Omega to predict the remaining possible state with 0.999...9 precision, AKA 1.