My personal experience is that I have been reported on in a personal capacity zero times. I’ve had family members in small human-interest stories twice that I recall off hand. I’ve read stories about companies I worked for and had detailed knowledge of the material being reported on several times; I don’t have an exact number.
My experience with those things does not line up with yours. I conclude from this that the normal variance of reporting quality is higher than either of us has personal experience with.
Data point: I was reported-on three times, by a serious newspaper. Most information was wrong or completely made up. Luckily, once they forgot to write my name, and once they wrote it wrong, so it was easier for me to pretend that those two articles were not about me.
What sample size are you generalizing from?
My personal experience is that I have been reported on in a personal capacity zero times. I’ve had family members in small human-interest stories twice that I recall off hand. I’ve read stories about companies I worked for and had detailed knowledge of the material being reported on several times; I don’t have an exact number.
My experience with those things does not line up with yours. I conclude from this that the normal variance of reporting quality is higher than either of us has personal experience with.
Data point: I was reported-on three times, by a serious newspaper. Most information was wrong or completely made up. Luckily, once they forgot to write my name, and once they wrote it wrong, so it was easier for me to pretend that those two articles were not about me.