I thought this was already clear? Org K$ * vzcyvrq cebonovyvgl ba rirel grnz. Lbh ner thnenagrrq n arg jva bs K$ * (1 - fhz bs nyy vzcyvrq cebonovyvgvrf).
What you really should do though is look at the past history of the tournament and the form of the teams, figure out which of those teams with silly odds have a decent shot at winning, take a risk and bet on some combination of them. You should stand a fairly decent chance of winning really big (unless this huge spread is actually justified, which seems unlikely).
Va gur bevtvany Qhgpu obbx, bqqf unir gb or bssrerq ba nyy pbzcbhaq riragf naq nyy pbaqvgvbany riragf. Vs gur nhgube vf jvyyvat gb hfr C(N be O) = C(N) + C(O) gb frg gur bqqf sbe qvfwhapgvbaf, gur cebcbfvgvba “ng yrnfg bar grnz jvaf” unf n cebonovyvgl bs friragl-avar creprag. Ur bhtug gb or jvyyvat gb org ntnvafg gung cebcbfvgvba ng bar trgf uvz sbhe.
Rot13: Pna lbh sbezhyngr n org be frevrf bs orgf gung jbhyq qb gur gevpx? Pna nalbar?
I thought this was already clear? Org K$ * vzcyvrq cebonovyvgl ba rirel grnz. Lbh ner thnenagrrq n arg jva bs K$ * (1 - fhz bs nyy vzcyvrq cebonovyvgvrf).
What you really should do though is look at the past history of the tournament and the form of the teams, figure out which of those teams with silly odds have a decent shot at winning, take a risk and bet on some combination of them. You should stand a fairly decent chance of winning really big (unless this huge spread is actually justified, which seems unlikely).
Va gur bevtvany Qhgpu obbx, bqqf unir gb or bssrerq ba nyy pbzcbhaq riragf naq nyy pbaqvgvbany riragf. Vs gur nhgube vf jvyyvat gb hfr C(N be O) = C(N) + C(O) gb frg gur bqqf sbe qvfwhapgvbaf, gur cebcbfvgvba “ng yrnfg bar grnz jvaf” unf n cebonovyvgl bs friragl-avar creprag. Ur bhtug gb or jvyyvat gb org ntnvafg gung cebcbfvgvba ng bar trgf uvz sbhe.