A few years back I was suffering from some pretty severe health problems. The major manifestations were cognitive and mood related. Often when I was saying a sentence I would become overwhelmed halfway through and would have to consciously force myself to finish what I was saying.
Long story short, I started treating my diet like a controlled experiment and, after a few years of trial and error, have come out feeling better than I can ever remember. If you’re going to try self experimentation the three things I recommend most highly to ease the analysis process are:
Don’t eat things with ingredients in them, instead eat ingredients
Limit each meal to less than 5 different ingredients
Try and have the same handful of ingredients for every meal for at least a week at a time.
What has helped me the most, by far, is cutting out soy, dairy, and all processed foods (there are some processed foods I feel fine eating, but the analysis to figure out which ones proved too costly for the small benefit of being able to occasionally eat unhealthy foods).
For what it’s worth:
A few years back I was suffering from some pretty severe health problems. The major manifestations were cognitive and mood related. Often when I was saying a sentence I would become overwhelmed halfway through and would have to consciously force myself to finish what I was saying.
Long story short, I started treating my diet like a controlled experiment and, after a few years of trial and error, have come out feeling better than I can ever remember. If you’re going to try self experimentation the three things I recommend most highly to ease the analysis process are:
Don’t eat things with ingredients in them, instead eat ingredients
Limit each meal to less than 5 different ingredients
Try and have the same handful of ingredients for every meal for at least a week at a time.
I’m curious. What foods (if you don’t mind me asking) did you find had such a powerful effect?
I expanded upon it here.
What has helped me the most, by far, is cutting out soy, dairy, and all processed foods (there are some processed foods I feel fine eating, but the analysis to figure out which ones proved too costly for the small benefit of being able to occasionally eat unhealthy foods).