Some people did like the crystal metaphors just fine, but I wouldn’t expect them to tell me to do anything I wouldn’t have naturally chosen to do with light metaphors, so their opinions are less informative. (I don’t expect them to dislike reduced-metaphor or metaphor-free posts.)
I think some people might just have a negative disposition toward crystals because of their association with New Ageism, magic healing and other assorted woo. That’s too bad because crystals and their molecular structures are really cool! And make acceptable metaphors!
Some people did like the crystal metaphors just fine, but I wouldn’t expect them to tell me to do anything I wouldn’t have naturally chosen to do with light metaphors, so their opinions are less informative. (I don’t expect them to dislike reduced-metaphor or metaphor-free posts.)
I think some people might just have a negative disposition toward crystals because of their association with New Ageism, magic healing and other assorted woo. That’s too bad because crystals and their molecular structures are really cool! And make acceptable metaphors!