CFAR should possibly put more effort into documenting stories of success through applying the techniques.
They do put effort into this; I do wonder how communicable it is, though.
For example, at one point Anna described a series of people all saying something like “well, I don’t know if it had any relationship to the workshop, but I did X, Y, and Z” during followups that, across many followups, seemed obviously due to the workshop. But it might be a vague thing that’s easier to see when you’re actually doing the followups rather than communicating statistics about followups.
They do put effort into this; I do wonder how communicable it is, though.
For example, at one point Anna described a series of people all saying something like “well, I don’t know if it had any relationship to the workshop, but I did X, Y, and Z” during followups that, across many followups, seemed obviously due to the workshop. But it might be a vague thing that’s easier to see when you’re actually doing the followups rather than communicating statistics about followups.