“You ought to do X.” is exactly equivalent to the command”Do X!”
It isn’t equivalent to a moral “ought”, since one person can command another to do something they both think is immoral.
This would require one of two situations:
a. A person consisting of multiple competing subagents, where the “ought” used by one is not the same as the “ought” used by another.
b. .A person with two different systems of morality, one dictating what is moral and the other how much they will accept deviating from it.
In either case you would need two words because there are two different kinds of should in the mind.
I gave the situation of one person commanding another. You replied with a scenario about one person with different internal systems. I don’t know why you did that.
It’s generally believed that if you shouldn’t tell people to do things they shouldn’t do.
So your problem reduces to the problem of someone who does things that they believe they shouldn’t.
If you’re not willing to make that reduction, I’ll have to think about things further.
I think it is obvious that involves someone doing something they think they shouldn’t. Which is not uncommon.
Which requires either a or b.
It isn’t equivalent to a moral “ought”, since one person can command another to do something they both think is immoral.
This would require one of two situations:
a. A person consisting of multiple competing subagents, where the “ought” used by one is not the same as the “ought” used by another.
b. .A person with two different systems of morality, one dictating what is moral and the other how much they will accept deviating from it.
In either case you would need two words because there are two different kinds of should in the mind.
I gave the situation of one person commanding another. You replied with a scenario about one person with different internal systems. I don’t know why you did that.
It’s generally believed that if you shouldn’t tell people to do things they shouldn’t do.
So your problem reduces to the problem of someone who does things that they believe they shouldn’t.
If you’re not willing to make that reduction, I’ll have to think about things further.
I think it is obvious that involves someone doing something they think they shouldn’t. Which is not uncommon.
Which requires either a or b.