This appears to have worked. I’ve been using Anki daily since I’ve implemented a policy of creating, on average, 20 new cards/day, so I always have a backlog of new cards to study.
Additionally, Anki seems to be having a positive effect on the amount of effort needed to get good grades. I did rather well in a recent physics test on a topic I missed in class. To study, I just skimmed the relevant chapter and added the most important equations and definitions to my physics deck.
This appears to have worked. I’ve been using Anki daily since I’ve implemented a policy of creating, on average, 20 new cards/day, so I always have a backlog of new cards to study.
Additionally, Anki seems to be having a positive effect on the amount of effort needed to get good grades. I did rather well in a recent physics test on a topic I missed in class. To study, I just skimmed the relevant chapter and added the most important equations and definitions to my physics deck.