I almost never shave. I hate the feeling, somehow manage to draw blood even with electric razors, and it wastes time I could put into something else. Instead I enhance and channel my natural trichotillomania urges into continuously plucking my facial hair one by one with tweezers. I usually don’t even pay attention anymore, so that I can still do something else like reading at the same time, and there’s never more than handful of hairs that need removing from day to day unless I stop for a few days. It doesn’t really hurt either, not after the first few times anyway. Plucked hairs will not become apparent again for days.
Someday I’ll probably just give more definitive hair removal methods a try. This might actually be even more cost effective than having to set apart some of my time each day for decades to shave.
(Assume 10 minutes a day, time valued at least at $10 / h (assuming San Francisco and assuming it won’t change for a long while)(and I’m not even counting the initial price of an electric shaver, neither of all the electricity needed to operate it). That’s $608 per year. Average laser hair removal cost would be around $1649 if I am to believe this, and time put into it would be negligible (like around 10 hours at most?). Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that like investing $1749 now and expecting continuous fixed dividends of $608 (~ 37%) every year for several decades? (Assuming hair removal to be definitive of course. Even if not, settling for a few years may already be enough to amortize the investment. Let’s say in that case, with a discount rate of 8% on 5 years I think the present value of all the money saved would be around $2 427, $678 in excess of what’s been invested. ))
I almost never shave. I hate the feeling, somehow manage to draw blood even with electric razors, and it wastes time I could put into something else. Instead I enhance and channel my natural trichotillomania urges into continuously plucking my facial hair one by one with tweezers. I usually don’t even pay attention anymore, so that I can still do something else like reading at the same time, and there’s never more than handful of hairs that need removing from day to day unless I stop for a few days. It doesn’t really hurt either, not after the first few times anyway. Plucked hairs will not become apparent again for days.
Someday I’ll probably just give more definitive hair removal methods a try. This might actually be even more cost effective than having to set apart some of my time each day for decades to shave.
(Assume 10 minutes a day, time valued at least at $10 / h (assuming San Francisco and assuming it won’t change for a long while)(and I’m not even counting the initial price of an electric shaver, neither of all the electricity needed to operate it). That’s $608 per year. Average laser hair removal cost would be around $1649 if I am to believe this, and time put into it would be negligible (like around 10 hours at most?). Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that like investing $1749 now and expecting continuous fixed dividends of $608 (~ 37%) every year for several decades? (Assuming hair removal to be definitive of course. Even if not, settling for a few years may already be enough to amortize the investment. Let’s say in that case, with a discount rate of 8% on 5 years I think the present value of all the money saved would be around $2 427, $678 in excess of what’s been invested. ))