This post is describing a style of agent that can exist. Whether or not they are coherent is arguable. You could say “sure, that type of agent is coherent. But I happen to be an agent with totally ordered preferences. ” Or you could say, “I as a whole act according to a committee of utilitarianism and personal hedonism”.
Utilitarianism, on some abstract level, can only ever be a fact about the sort of agent you (or other people) are or want to be. There are arguments of “if you aren’t utilitarian, then …” but some agents are fine with ”...”. It is a specific human trait to see this argument, decide that ”...” is bad and act utilitarian.
This post is describing a style of agent that can exist. Whether or not they are coherent is arguable. You could say “sure, that type of agent is coherent. But I happen to be an agent with totally ordered preferences. ” Or you could say, “I as a whole act according to a committee of utilitarianism and personal hedonism”.
Utilitarianism, on some abstract level, can only ever be a fact about the sort of agent you (or other people) are or want to be. There are arguments of “if you aren’t utilitarian, then …” but some agents are fine with ”...”. It is a specific human trait to see this argument, decide that ”...” is bad and act utilitarian.