Housing Supply (new discussion format)

We are testing a new discussion format.

The discussion is:

The UK is hamstrung by a housing crisis which is caused by a lack of supply.

The rules are:

  • Jamie R and I will discuss the issue

  • You can react to our comments

  • You can comment in the thread specifically for that purpose but anywhere else your comments will be deleted

  • To repeat, I will likely delete any comment that isn’t in the “others-comments” threat

  • My and Jamie’s answers may be edited without warning

Generally Jamie will be arguing for the idea that housing supply is a big problem and I will be arguing against. We’ll see how that goes in terms of clarity.

I do not necessarily endorse my comments in this piece. I am trying to lay out all the arguments I hear for my side and Jamie his.


Why not LessWrong Dialogues?

I don’t think lw dialogues match how I think, which is in nested bullet points. I sense from how often I see thinking displayed in this nested bullet point way (AI impacts, Kialo, Rootclaim) that many feel similarly.

Why are there so many top level posts?

My discussions don’t often have a well understood central point. They cut across many times in different ways.