If you think that because it’s short, I STRONGLY disagree—value added is not proportional to length.
If you think that because it’s an exercise, I disagree, although that’s a stronger case. We happen to be doing original research in exercise form, and evidence shows exercises work better than academic articles.
If you think that for some other reason, or something like the above but not quite, I’d love to hear it!
Insufficient value add by the OP. Given that, insufficient expected value add in the comments. (I think that the Textbooks List and Procedural Knowledge Gaps lists belong in Main because the collection of knowledge by commenters is valuable enough, even though the OP is not a huge value add on its own. )
If I wanted to not just learn that lesson, but reinforce that sort of reasoning in the Less Wrong community (in a welcoming way, naturally), what would you suggest I do? And feel free to PM, as I agree about limiting discussion about where to put threads inside threads.
Could you break down that intuition? Why?
If you think that because it’s short, I STRONGLY disagree—value added is not proportional to length.
If you think that because it’s an exercise, I disagree, although that’s a stronger case. We happen to be doing original research in exercise form, and evidence shows exercises work better than academic articles.
If you think that for some other reason, or something like the above but not quite, I’d love to hear it!
Insufficient value add by the OP. Given that, insufficient expected value add in the comments. (I think that the Textbooks List and Procedural Knowledge Gaps lists belong in Main because the collection of knowledge by commenters is valuable enough, even though the OP is not a huge value add on its own. )
What a great reason!
If I wanted to not just learn that lesson, but reinforce that sort of reasoning in the Less Wrong community (in a welcoming way, naturally), what would you suggest I do? And feel free to PM, as I agree about limiting discussion about where to put threads inside threads.