There isn’t any “harm”—that’s the entire point. It just feels wrong at a gut level. The example was specifically chosen to be something that did not upset “harm avoidance” or “egalitarianism” or “autonomy” (in the john haidt sense). I was trying to think of a world in which I might be the conservative one.
In this case, I think that the notion of a human without negative effect is hitting some sort of psychological Uncanny Valley between human and alien for me. Maybe it violates some sort of purity norm? Or perhaps it causes individuals to in some senses leave the “in-group” by becoming less similar to me?
The truth is that the strangeness would probably wear off after repeated exposure. I only had to think about the idea for a small amount of time before realizing it wasn’t really as bad as it seemed at first. But I can I imagine that if I hadn’t ever considered the idea in my youth, an older version of me would no longer be cognitively flexible enough to consider it as acceptable behavior.
This is probably how conservatives feel with homosexuality. (And just the same way, if you take a young conservative who doesn’t take any religious scriptures literally, and you give them repeated exposure, they tend to change their mind unless religion somehow interferes).
(If everyone did it, there might be …not harm, but dis-utility. It wouldn’t be my optimal universe, though perhaps it wouldn’t be worse than the present. I think that I consider diversity of experiences intrinsically valuable, so I’d feel like something intrinsic to humanity was lost if at least some toned-down brands of negative affect weren’t preserved in at least some people. A more obvious problem is that it might be boring...I’m not sure whether the fact that they wouldn’t find it boring makes it better or worse. I guess I’d be happy for them, but I wouldn’t identify myself, or humanity, with them as much.)
Yes… I think what bothers me most is that it is a subtraction. It’s one fewer emotion on the spectrum of experience. I wouldn’t mind people becoming strange and different, but I would want them to be more than human in the realm of breadth of experience, not less than human. Perhaps I wouldn’t mind as much if they became more complex in other ways.
But really, that doesn’t become a problem unless everyone chooses wire-heading.
(nods) Ah, I see. Gotcha. I certainly agree that we can be squeamish about things that we don’t actually judge to be wrong, whatever our ethical standards are (unless we explicitly consider squeamishness our ethical standard, of course). That said, I don’t seem to value diversity of experience enough that I’m willing to preserve suffering for the novelty/diversity value. Tangentially, IME the stuff we class as “positive affect” is way less boring to experience than the stuff we class as “negative affect,” as well as involving less suffering.
I just remembered about eliezer’s post about serious stories. He thinks that all stories involve conflict, fear, or sadness, and aren’t interesting otherwise.
I think he’s got a point, about humans needing some sort of self-narrative, about having a need to live the sort of life you would like to read about.
After reading Eliezer’s post, I put it on my to-do list as a challenge to write a good story that involves no pain or conflict. I’m hoping to substitute conflict related suspense with strangeness and wonder suspense. That said, it’s true that I’m having trouble thinking of counterexamples among non-short stories I’ve read which stand only on positive emotions. I wouldn’t even know how to start going about this feat outside the realm of sci-fi-fantasy.
Thanks for making me think about this though, because I was just shifting through my mental archive of short stories looking for one without conflict and came up with this, which illustrates what I meant about awe and wonder having dramatic effects which rival those of pain and conflict.
all stories involve conflict, fear, or sadness, and aren’t interesting otherwise.
Just to pick the obvious counterexample that comes to mind… are we considering porn to be uninteresting? To not be stories? Or do we want to claim that all porn involves conflict, fear, or sadness?
I think he’s got a point [..] about having a need to live the sort of life you would like to read about.
Hm. What makes you think that?
I ask because I don’t think I need to live the sort of life I’d like to read about., and I’m curious whether we’re simply different that way, or whether perhaps this is a lack of self-awareness on my part.
Our emotions are in some sense the human equivalent of “utility functions”.
We don’t hate the suffering of other people in some abstract way—we hate the suffering of other people because it causes us pain to think about other people suffering. We love truth because of that rush of satisfaction upon hitting upon it.
Yes, we intrinsically prefer pleasure over pain, but that’s only part of the story. We also prefer the causes of satisfaction to happen, beyond preferring the feeling of satisfaction itself. We hate the causes of pain beyond the extent to which we hate the actual feeling of pain itself.
You can’t really replace the more abstract negative affects with a warning signal, because the negative affect was the reason you hated, say, deception, in the first place. Replacing negative affect in response to deception would be akin to removing part of the preference against deception.
That’s why sociopaths don’t care about people. They don’t feel guilt. You could tell them “this is where you would ordinarily feel guilty, if we hadn’t removed your negative affect associated with hurting people” but they aren’t going to care about the warning signal. Maybe some past version of themselves who hadn’t had negative affect removed might have cared, but they will not.
Negative affect is the switch that tells the brain “don’t do things that cause that’. Removing negative affect would actually remove the perception of negative utility. For simple bodily pain, who cares...but you’re going to start altering values if you mess with any of the more abstract stuff.
So, when we radically alter our emotions, don’t we also radically alter our “utility functions”? I’d like future-me’s interests to generally align with current-me’s coherent extrapolated interests.
we hate the suffering of other people because it causes us pain to think about other people suffering.
It seems to me that I negatively value other people’s suffering… I want there to be less of it.
Given the choice between reducing their suffering and reducing the pain I feel upon contemplating their suffering, it seems to me I ought to reduce their suffering.
Given the option of reducing their suffering at the cost of experiencing just as much pain when I contemplate their lack of suffering as I do now when I contemplate their suffering, it seems to me I ought to reduce their suffering.
None of that seems compatible with the idea that what I actually negatively value is the pain of thinking about other people suffering.
What I can’t figure out is whether you’re suggesting that I’m ethically confused… that it simply isn’t true that I ought to do those things, and if I understood the world better it would stop seeming to me that I ought to do them… or if I’m simply not being correctly described by your “we” statements and you’re unjustifiedly generalizing from your own experience… or whether perhaps I’ve altogether misunderstood you.
What I can’t figure out is whether you’re suggesting that I’m ethically confused… that it simply isn’t true that I ought to do those things, and if I understood the world better it would stop seeming to me that I ought to do them… or if I’m simply not being correctly described by your “we” statements and you’re unjustifiedly generalizing from your own experience
None of the above. I’m just trying to figure out why my intuition says that I do not want not block all negative affect and whether my intuition is wrong, and your objections are helping me to so. I’ve got no idea whether we’re fundamentally different, or whether one of us is wrong—I’m just verbally playing with the space of ideas with you. The things I’m saying right now are exploratory thoughts and could easily be wrong—the hope is that value comes out of it.
“We” is just a placeholder for humans. I’m making the philosophical claim that negative affect is the real-life, non-theoretical thing that corresponds to the game-theory construct of negative utility, with some small connotative differences.
None of that seems compatible with the idea that what I actually negatively value is the pain of thinking about other people suffering.
No, of course not. Here’s what I’m suggesting: Thinking about other people’s suffering causes the emotion “concern” (a negative emotion) which is in fact “negative utility”. If you don’t feel concern when faced with the knowledge that someone is in pain, it means that you don’t experience “negative utility” in response to other people being in pain. I’m suggesting the fact that you negatively value people to be in pain is inextricably linked to the emotions you feel when people are in pain. I’m suggesting that If you remove concern (as occurs in real-world sociopathy) you won’t have any intrinsic incentive to care about the pain of others anymore.
(Not “you” in particular, but animals in general.)
Basically, when modelling a real world object as an agent, we should consider whatever mechanism causes the neural circuits (or whatever the being is made of) that cause it to take action as indicative of “utility”. In humans, the neural pattern “concern” causes us to take action when others suffer, so “concern” is negative utility in response to suffering. (This gets confusing when agents don’t act in their interests, but if we want to nitpick about things like that we shouldn’t be modelling objects as agents in the first place)
Here’s a question: Do you think we have moral responsibilities to AI? Is it immoral to cause a Friendly AI to experience negative utility by fooling it into thinking bad things are happening and then killing it? I think the answer might be yes—since the FAI shares many human values, I think I consider it a person. It makes sense to treat negative utility for the FAI as analogous to human negative affect.
If it’s true that negative affect and negative utility are roughly synonymous, it’s impossible to make a being that negatively values torture and doesn’t feel bad when seeing torture.
But maybe we can work around this...maybe we can get a being which experiences positive affect from preventing torture, rather than negative affect from not preventing torture. Such a being has an incentive to prevent torture, yet doesn’t feel concerned when torture happens.
Either way though—if this line of thought makes sense, you can’t have a human which is constantly experiencing maximum positive affect, because that human would never have an incentive to act at all.
A rational agent makes decisions by imagining a space of hypothetical universes and picking the one it prefers using its actions. How should I choose my favorite out of these hypothetical universes? It seems to involve simulating the affective states that I would feel in each universe. But this model breaks down if I put my own brain in these universes, because then I will just pick the universe that maximize my own affective states. I’ve got to treat my brain as a black box. Once you start tinkering with the brain, decision theory goes all funny.
Edit: Affective states don’t have to roughly correspond to utility. If you’re a human, positive utility is “good”. you’re a paperclipper, positive utility is “paperclippy”. It’s just that human utility is affective states.
If you alter the affective states, you will alter behavior (and therefore you alter “utility”). This does not mean that the affective state is the thing which you value—it means that for humans the affective state is the hardware that decides what you value.
(again, not you per se. I should probably get out of the habit of using “you”).
Thinking about other people’s suffering causes the emotion “concern” (a negative emotion) which is in fact “negative utility”.
I agree with this, in general.
If you don’t feel concern when faced with the knowledge that someone is in pain, it means that you don’t experience “negative utility”
This suggests not only that concern implies negative utility, but that only concern implies negative utility and nothing else (or at least nothing relevant) does. Do you mean to suggest that? If so, I disagree utterly. If not, and you’re just restricting the arena of discourse to utility-based-on-concern rather than utility-in-general, then OK… within that restricted context, I agree.
That said, I’m pretty sure you meant the former, and I disagree.
Do you think we have moral responsibilities to AI? Is it immoral to cause a Friendly AI to experience negative utility by fooling it into thinking bad things are happening and then killing it?
Maybe, but not necessarily. It depends on the specifics of the AI.
If it’s true that negative affect and negative utility are roughly synonymous, it’s impossible to make a being that negatively values torture and doesn’t feel bad when seeing torture.
Yes, that follows. I think both claims are false.
you can’t have a human which is constantly experiencing maximum positive affect, because that human would never have an incentive to act at all.
I agree that in human minds, differential affect motivates action; if we eliminate all variation in affect we eliminate that motive for action, which either requires that we find another motivation for action, or (as you suggest) we eliminate all incentives for action.
Are there other motivations? Are there situations under which the lack of such incentives is acceptable?
If not, and you’re just restricting the arena of discourse to utility-based-on-concern rather than utility-in-general, then OK… within that restricted context, I agree.
yes...we agree
If it’s true that negative affect and negative utility are roughly synonymous, it’s impossible to make a being that negatively values torture and doesn’t feel bad when seeing torture.
Shit I’m in a contradiction. Okay, I’ve messed up by using “affect” under multiple definitions, my mistake.
1) There are many mechanisms for creating beings that can be modeled as agents with utility
2) Let us define Affect as the mechanism that defines utility in humans—aka emotion.
So now....
3) Do moral considerations apply to all affect, or all things that approximate utility?
if we meet aliens, what do we judge them by?
They aren’t going to be made out of neurons. Our definitions of “emotion” are probably not going to apply. But they might be like us—they might cooperate among themselves and they might cooperate with us. We might feel empathy for them. A moral system which disregards the preferences of beings simply because affect is not involved in implementing their minds seems to not match my moral system. I’d want to be able to treat aliens well.
I have a dream that all beings that can be approximated as agents will be judged by their actions, and not any trivial specifics of how their algorithm is implemented.
I’d feel some empathy for a FAI too. Even it it doesn’t have emotions, it understands them. It’s utility function puts it in the class of beings I’d call “good”. My social instincts seem to apply to it—I’m friendly to it the same way it is friendly to me.
So, what I’m saying is that “affect’ and “utility” are morally equivalent. Even though there are multiple paths to utility they all carry similar moral weight.
If you remove “concern” and replace it with a signal that has the same result on actions as concern, then maybe “concern” and the signal are morally equivalent.
Do you further agree that it follows from this that there is some hard limit to which it makes sense to self-modify to avoid certain negative emotions?
(We can replace the negative emotions with other processes that have the same behavioral effect, but making someone undergo said other processes would be morally equivalent to making them undergo a negative emotion, so there isn’t a point in doing so)
Do you further agree that it follows from this that there is some hard limit to which it makes sense to self-modify to avoid certain negative emotions?
I don’t agree that it follows, no, though I do agree that there’s probably some threshold above which losing the ability to experience the emotions we currently experience leaves us worse off.
I also don’t agree that eliminating an emotion while adding a new process that preserves certain effects of that emotion which I value is equivalent (morally or otherwise) to preserving the emotion. More generally, I don’t agree with your whole enterprise of equating emotions with utility shifts. They are different things.’s a better way to illustrate what I’m getting at.
Do you like to read stories that have conflict? (yes) Would you enjoy those stories if they didn’t illicit emotions for you? (no)
Now imagine you are unable to feel those emotions that the sad story illicits. Do you still feel like reading the story? (no) If not, isn’t that one less item on the satisfaction menu? (yes)
(In parenthesis are my answers.)
You can apply this to other stuff. Most of the arts fit nicely. Arts are important to me.
Or imagine that you feel down about some small matter, and your friend comes and makes you feel better. That whole dynamic just seems part of what it means to be human.
Maybe life would be better without negative affect. Certainly, if I were to start never feeling negative affect tomorrow, I wouldn’t be bothered (by definition). But that version of me would be so different from the current version. It would disrupt continuity quite a bit..
I guess the acid test would be to go into the postiive-affect-only state temporarily, and then go back to normal. If I still wanted to keep negative affect states after the experience then maybe it wouldn’t really be a disruption of continuity at all.
(“disrupt continuity” here is short for: this hypothetical future being might be descended from my computations in some way, but it differs from the being that I currently am in such a way that I should now be considered partially if not wholly dead)
Sure, I expect that I’d have very different tastes in stories if my ability to experience emotion were significantly altered, and that there are stories I currently enjoy that I would stop enjoying. And, as you say, this applies to a Iot of things, not just stories.
I also expect that I’d start liking a lot of things I don’t currently like.
I mean, I suppose it’s possible that I’m currently at the theoretical apex of my ability to enjoy things without disrupting continuity, such that any change in my emotional profile would either disrupt continuity or narrow the range of things I can enjoy… but it doesn’t seem terribly likely. I mean, what if I passed that apex point a while back, and I would actually have a wider menu of satisfaction if I increased my ability to be sad?
Heck, what if having enough to eat stripped me of a huge set of potentially satisfying experiences involving starving, or giving up my last mouthful of food so someone I love can have enough to eat? Perhaps we would have done better to live closer to the edge of starvation?
I dunno. This all sounds pretty silly to me. If it’s compelling to you, I conclude we’re just different in that way.
I also expect that I’d start liking a lot of things I don’t currently like.
I think the reason we disagree is that you are only considering first-order preferences, which is understandable because the initial examples i provided were pretty near first order preferences. The other comment articulates my thoughts about why higher order preferences are necessarily affected when you alter emotions.
Aren’t your preferences (not first order preferences, but deeper ones) part of your self-identity? Is a version of you which doesn’t really feel empathetic pain still you in any meaningful sense? Would such a being care about actual torture? (I’m aware I’m switching tracks here. I’m still attempting to capture my intuition.)
The other comment articulates my thoughts about why higher order preferences are necessarily affected when you alter emotions.
Like preferring that people not suffer, and the feeling of pain at contemplating suffering? See my reply there, then.
“Affected” is a vague enough word that I suppose I can’t deny that my preferences would be affected… but then, my preferences are affected when I stay up late, or drink coffee.
It seems to me that you are equating emotions with preferences, such that altering my emotional profile is equivalent to altering my preferences. I’m not sure that’s justified, as I said there.
But, sure, there are preferences I strongly identify with, such that I would consider a being who didn’t share those preferences to be not-me.
And sure, I suppose I can imagine changes to my affect that are sufficiently severe as to effect changes to those preferences, thereby disrupting continuity. I’d prefer not to do that, all things being equal.
But it seems to me you’re trying to get from “there exist emotional changes so disruptive that they effectively kill the person I am” to “we shouldn’t make emotional changes”… which strikes me as abuot as plausible as “there exist physiological changes so disruptive that they effectively kill the person I am” to “we shouldn’t make physiological changes.”
But it seems to me you’re trying to get from “there exist emotional changes so disruptive that they effectively kill the person I am” to “we shouldn’t make emotional changes”… which strikes me as abuot as plausible as “there exist physiological changes so disruptive that they effectively kill the person I am” to “we shouldn’t make physiological changes.”
That’s actually really close to what I am saying, but minor alteration.
I’m going from “there exist emotional changes so disruptive that they effectively kill the person I am” to “we probably shouldn’t specifically make the emotional change where change = remove all negative affect. It’s probably one of those changes that effectively kills most people.”
I’m totally down with making some emotional changes, such as “stop clinical depression”, “remove hatred”, etc.
To follow the physiology analogy, “remove all negative affect” seems equivalent to saying “cut the right half of the brain off”. That’s approximately half of human emotion that we’d be removing.
But maybe if we can replace “suffering” with an emotion that we don’t intrinsically hate feeling which ends up producing the same “utility function” (as determined behaviorally), then it’s all good? It’s a lot of changes, but then again my preferences are where I place a large part of my identity, so if they are unaltered then maybe I haven’t died here...
Edit: Can you identify any positive preferences within yourself which do not correspond to a positive emotion? (or negative). I’m currently attempting to do so, nothing yet.
Can you taboo “negative affect”? I was fine with it as shorthand when it was pointing vaguely to an illustrative subset of the space of emotions, but if you mean to define it as a sharp-edged boundary of what we can safely eliminate, it might be helpful to define it more clearly.
Depending on what you mean by the term, I might agree with you that “remove all negative affect” is too big a change.
Can you identify any positive preferences within yourself which do not correspond to a positive emotion?
Well, I feel the emotion of satisfaction when I’m aware of my preferences being satisfied, so a correspondence necessarily exists in those cases. In cases where I’m not aware of my preference being satisfied, I typically don’t experience any differential emotion. E.g., given a choice between people not suffering and my being unaware of people suffering, I prefer the former, although I don’t experience them differently (emotionally or any other way).
There isn’t any “harm”—that’s the entire point. It just feels wrong at a gut level. The example was specifically chosen to be something that did not upset “harm avoidance” or “egalitarianism” or “autonomy” (in the john haidt sense). I was trying to think of a world in which I might be the conservative one.
In this case, I think that the notion of a human without negative effect is hitting some sort of psychological Uncanny Valley between human and alien for me. Maybe it violates some sort of purity norm? Or perhaps it causes individuals to in some senses leave the “in-group” by becoming less similar to me?
The truth is that the strangeness would probably wear off after repeated exposure. I only had to think about the idea for a small amount of time before realizing it wasn’t really as bad as it seemed at first. But I can I imagine that if I hadn’t ever considered the idea in my youth, an older version of me would no longer be cognitively flexible enough to consider it as acceptable behavior.
This is probably how conservatives feel with homosexuality. (And just the same way, if you take a young conservative who doesn’t take any religious scriptures literally, and you give them repeated exposure, they tend to change their mind unless religion somehow interferes).
(If everyone did it, there might be …not harm, but dis-utility. It wouldn’t be my optimal universe, though perhaps it wouldn’t be worse than the present. I think that I consider diversity of experiences intrinsically valuable, so I’d feel like something intrinsic to humanity was lost if at least some toned-down brands of negative affect weren’t preserved in at least some people. A more obvious problem is that it might be boring...I’m not sure whether the fact that they wouldn’t find it boring makes it better or worse. I guess I’d be happy for them, but I wouldn’t identify myself, or humanity, with them as much.)
Yes… I think what bothers me most is that it is a subtraction. It’s one fewer emotion on the spectrum of experience. I wouldn’t mind people becoming strange and different, but I would want them to be more than human in the realm of breadth of experience, not less than human. Perhaps I wouldn’t mind as much if they became more complex in other ways.
But really, that doesn’t become a problem unless everyone chooses wire-heading.
(nods) Ah, I see. Gotcha.
I certainly agree that we can be squeamish about things that we don’t actually judge to be wrong, whatever our ethical standards are (unless we explicitly consider squeamishness our ethical standard, of course).
That said, I don’t seem to value diversity of experience enough that I’m willing to preserve suffering for the novelty/diversity value.
Tangentially, IME the stuff we class as “positive affect” is way less boring to experience than the stuff we class as “negative affect,” as well as involving less suffering.
I just remembered about eliezer’s post about serious stories. He thinks that all stories involve conflict, fear, or sadness, and aren’t interesting otherwise.
I think he’s got a point, about humans needing some sort of self-narrative, about having a need to live the sort of life you would like to read about.
After reading Eliezer’s post, I put it on my to-do list as a challenge to write a good story that involves no pain or conflict. I’m hoping to substitute conflict related suspense with strangeness and wonder suspense. That said, it’s true that I’m having trouble thinking of counterexamples among non-short stories I’ve read which stand only on positive emotions. I wouldn’t even know how to start going about this feat outside the realm of sci-fi-fantasy.
Thanks for making me think about this though, because I was just shifting through my mental archive of short stories looking for one without conflict and came up with this, which illustrates what I meant about awe and wonder having dramatic effects which rival those of pain and conflict.
Idea cross posted at “serious stories”
Just to pick the obvious counterexample that comes to mind… are we considering porn to be uninteresting? To not be stories? Or do we want to claim that all porn involves conflict, fear, or sadness?
What makes you think that?
I ask because I don’t think I need to live the sort of life I’d like to read about., and I’m curious whether we’re simply different that way, or whether perhaps this is a lack of self-awareness on my part.
More thought:
Our emotions are in some sense the human equivalent of “utility functions”.
We don’t hate the suffering of other people in some abstract way—we hate the suffering of other people because it causes us pain to think about other people suffering. We love truth because of that rush of satisfaction upon hitting upon it.
Yes, we intrinsically prefer pleasure over pain, but that’s only part of the story. We also prefer the causes of satisfaction to happen, beyond preferring the feeling of satisfaction itself. We hate the causes of pain beyond the extent to which we hate the actual feeling of pain itself.
You can’t really replace the more abstract negative affects with a warning signal, because the negative affect was the reason you hated, say, deception, in the first place. Replacing negative affect in response to deception would be akin to removing part of the preference against deception.
That’s why sociopaths don’t care about people. They don’t feel guilt. You could tell them “this is where you would ordinarily feel guilty, if we hadn’t removed your negative affect associated with hurting people” but they aren’t going to care about the warning signal. Maybe some past version of themselves who hadn’t had negative affect removed might have cared, but they will not.
Negative affect is the switch that tells the brain “don’t do things that cause that’. Removing negative affect would actually remove the perception of negative utility. For simple bodily pain, who cares...but you’re going to start altering values if you mess with any of the more abstract stuff.
So, when we radically alter our emotions, don’t we also radically alter our “utility functions”? I’d like future-me’s interests to generally align with current-me’s coherent extrapolated interests.
It seems to me that I negatively value other people’s suffering… I want there to be less of it.
Given the choice between reducing their suffering and reducing the pain I feel upon contemplating their suffering, it seems to me I ought to reduce their suffering.
Given the option of reducing their suffering at the cost of experiencing just as much pain when I contemplate their lack of suffering as I do now when I contemplate their suffering, it seems to me I ought to reduce their suffering.
None of that seems compatible with the idea that what I actually negatively value is the pain of thinking about other people suffering.
What I can’t figure out is whether you’re suggesting that I’m ethically confused… that it simply isn’t true that I ought to do those things, and if I understood the world better it would stop seeming to me that I ought to do them… or if I’m simply not being correctly described by your “we” statements and you’re unjustifiedly generalizing from your own experience… or whether perhaps I’ve altogether misunderstood you.
None of the above. I’m just trying to figure out why my intuition says that I do not want not block all negative affect and whether my intuition is wrong, and your objections are helping me to so. I’ve got no idea whether we’re fundamentally different, or whether one of us is wrong—I’m just verbally playing with the space of ideas with you. The things I’m saying right now are exploratory thoughts and could easily be wrong—the hope is that value comes out of it.
“We” is just a placeholder for humans. I’m making the philosophical claim that negative affect is the real-life, non-theoretical thing that corresponds to the game-theory construct of negative utility, with some small connotative differences.
No, of course not. Here’s what I’m suggesting: Thinking about other people’s suffering causes the emotion “concern” (a negative emotion) which is in fact “negative utility”. If you don’t feel concern when faced with the knowledge that someone is in pain, it means that you don’t experience “negative utility” in response to other people being in pain. I’m suggesting the fact that you negatively value people to be in pain is inextricably linked to the emotions you feel when people are in pain. I’m suggesting that If you remove concern (as occurs in real-world sociopathy) you won’t have any intrinsic incentive to care about the pain of others anymore.
(Not “you” in particular, but animals in general.)
Basically, when modelling a real world object as an agent, we should consider whatever mechanism causes the neural circuits (or whatever the being is made of) that cause it to take action as indicative of “utility”. In humans, the neural pattern “concern” causes us to take action when others suffer, so “concern” is negative utility in response to suffering. (This gets confusing when agents don’t act in their interests, but if we want to nitpick about things like that we shouldn’t be modelling objects as agents in the first place)
Here’s a question: Do you think we have moral responsibilities to AI? Is it immoral to cause a Friendly AI to experience negative utility by fooling it into thinking bad things are happening and then killing it? I think the answer might be yes—since the FAI shares many human values, I think I consider it a person. It makes sense to treat negative utility for the FAI as analogous to human negative affect.
If it’s true that negative affect and negative utility are roughly synonymous, it’s impossible to make a being that negatively values torture and doesn’t feel bad when seeing torture.
But maybe we can work around this...maybe we can get a being which experiences positive affect from preventing torture, rather than negative affect from not preventing torture. Such a being has an incentive to prevent torture, yet doesn’t feel concerned when torture happens.
Either way though—if this line of thought makes sense, you can’t have a human which is constantly experiencing maximum positive affect, because that human would never have an incentive to act at all.
A rational agent makes decisions by imagining a space of hypothetical universes and picking the one it prefers using its actions. How should I choose my favorite out of these hypothetical universes? It seems to involve simulating the affective states that I would feel in each universe. But this model breaks down if I put my own brain in these universes, because then I will just pick the universe that maximize my own affective states. I’ve got to treat my brain as a black box. Once you start tinkering with the brain, decision theory goes all funny.
Edit: Affective states don’t have to roughly correspond to utility. If you’re a human, positive utility is “good”. you’re a paperclipper, positive utility is “paperclippy”. It’s just that human utility is affective states.
If you alter the affective states, you will alter behavior (and therefore you alter “utility”). This does not mean that the affective state is the thing which you value—it means that for humans the affective state is the hardware that decides what you value.
(again, not you per se. I should probably get out of the habit of using “you”).
I agree with this, in general.
This suggests not only that concern implies negative utility, but that only concern implies negative utility and nothing else (or at least nothing relevant) does. Do you mean to suggest that? If so, I disagree utterly. If not, and you’re just restricting the arena of discourse to utility-based-on-concern rather than utility-in-general, then OK… within that restricted context, I agree.
That said, I’m pretty sure you meant the former, and I disagree.
Maybe, but not necessarily. It depends on the specifics of the AI.
Yes, that follows. I think both claims are false.
I agree that in human minds, differential affect motivates action; if we eliminate all variation in affect we eliminate that motive for action, which either requires that we find another motivation for action, or (as you suggest) we eliminate all incentives for action.
Are there other motivations?
Are there situations under which the lack of such incentives is acceptable?
yes...we agree
Shit I’m in a contradiction. Okay, I’ve messed up by using “affect” under multiple definitions, my mistake.
1) There are many mechanisms for creating beings that can be modeled as agents with utility 2) Let us define Affect as the mechanism that defines utility in humans—aka emotion.
So now....
3) Do moral considerations apply to all affect, or all things that approximate utility?
if we meet aliens, what do we judge them by?
They aren’t going to be made out of neurons. Our definitions of “emotion” are probably not going to apply. But they might be like us—they might cooperate among themselves and they might cooperate with us. We might feel empathy for them. A moral system which disregards the preferences of beings simply because affect is not involved in implementing their minds seems to not match my moral system. I’d want to be able to treat aliens well.
I have a dream that all beings that can be approximated as agents will be judged by their actions, and not any trivial specifics of how their algorithm is implemented.
I’d feel some empathy for a FAI too. Even it it doesn’t have emotions, it understands them. It’s utility function puts it in the class of beings I’d call “good”. My social instincts seem to apply to it—I’m friendly to it the same way it is friendly to me.
So, what I’m saying is that “affect’ and “utility” are morally equivalent. Even though there are multiple paths to utility they all carry similar moral weight.
If you remove “concern” and replace it with a signal that has the same result on actions as concern, then maybe “concern” and the signal are morally equivalent.
I agree that distinct processes that result in roughly equivalent utility shifts are roughly morally equivalent.
Do you further agree that it follows from this that there is some hard limit to which it makes sense to self-modify to avoid certain negative emotions?
(We can replace the negative emotions with other processes that have the same behavioral effect, but making someone undergo said other processes would be morally equivalent to making them undergo a negative emotion, so there isn’t a point in doing so)
I don’t agree that it follows, no, though I do agree that there’s probably some threshold above which losing the ability to experience the emotions we currently experience leaves us worse off.
I also don’t agree that eliminating an emotion while adding a new process that preserves certain effects of that emotion which I value is equivalent (morally or otherwise) to preserving the emotion. More generally, I don’t agree with your whole enterprise of equating emotions with utility shifts. They are different things.’s a better way to illustrate what I’m getting at.
Do you like to read stories that have conflict? (yes) Would you enjoy those stories if they didn’t illicit emotions for you? (no)
Now imagine you are unable to feel those emotions that the sad story illicits. Do you still feel like reading the story? (no) If not, isn’t that one less item on the satisfaction menu? (yes)
(In parenthesis are my answers.)
You can apply this to other stuff. Most of the arts fit nicely. Arts are important to me.
Or imagine that you feel down about some small matter, and your friend comes and makes you feel better. That whole dynamic just seems part of what it means to be human.
Maybe life would be better without negative affect. Certainly, if I were to start never feeling negative affect tomorrow, I wouldn’t be bothered (by definition). But that version of me would be so different from the current version. It would disrupt continuity quite a bit..
I guess the acid test would be to go into the postiive-affect-only state temporarily, and then go back to normal. If I still wanted to keep negative affect states after the experience then maybe it wouldn’t really be a disruption of continuity at all.
(“disrupt continuity” here is short for: this hypothetical future being might be descended from my computations in some way, but it differs from the being that I currently am in such a way that I should now be considered partially if not wholly dead)
Sure, I expect that I’d have very different tastes in stories if my ability to experience emotion were significantly altered, and that there are stories I currently enjoy that I would stop enjoying. And, as you say, this applies to a Iot of things, not just stories.
I also expect that I’d start liking a lot of things I don’t currently like.
I mean, I suppose it’s possible that I’m currently at the theoretical apex of my ability to enjoy things without disrupting continuity, such that any change in my emotional profile would either disrupt continuity or narrow the range of things I can enjoy… but it doesn’t seem terribly likely. I mean, what if I passed that apex point a while back, and I would actually have a wider menu of satisfaction if I increased my ability to be sad?
Heck, what if having enough to eat stripped me of a huge set of potentially satisfying experiences involving starving, or giving up my last mouthful of food so someone I love can have enough to eat? Perhaps we would have done better to live closer to the edge of starvation?
I dunno. This all sounds pretty silly to me. If it’s compelling to you, I conclude we’re just different in that way.
I think the reason we disagree is that you are only considering first-order preferences, which is understandable because the initial examples i provided were pretty near first order preferences. The other comment articulates my thoughts about why higher order preferences are necessarily affected when you alter emotions.
Aren’t your preferences (not first order preferences, but deeper ones) part of your self-identity? Is a version of you which doesn’t really feel empathetic pain still you in any meaningful sense? Would such a being care about actual torture? (I’m aware I’m switching tracks here. I’m still attempting to capture my intuition.)
Like preferring that people not suffer, and the feeling of pain at contemplating suffering?
See my reply there, then.
“Affected” is a vague enough word that I suppose I can’t deny that my preferences would be affected… but then, my preferences are affected when I stay up late, or drink coffee.
It seems to me that you are equating emotions with preferences, such that altering my emotional profile is equivalent to altering my preferences.
I’m not sure that’s justified, as I said there.
But, sure, there are preferences I strongly identify with, such that I would consider a being who didn’t share those preferences to be not-me.
And sure, I suppose I can imagine changes to my affect that are sufficiently severe as to effect changes to those preferences, thereby disrupting continuity. I’d prefer not to do that, all things being equal.
But it seems to me you’re trying to get from “there exist emotional changes so disruptive that they effectively kill the person I am” to “we shouldn’t make emotional changes”… which strikes me as abuot as plausible as “there exist physiological changes so disruptive that they effectively kill the person I am” to “we shouldn’t make physiological changes.”
That’s actually really close to what I am saying, but minor alteration.
I’m going from “there exist emotional changes so disruptive that they effectively kill the person I am” to “we probably shouldn’t specifically make the emotional change where change = remove all negative affect. It’s probably one of those changes that effectively kills most people.”
I’m totally down with making some emotional changes, such as “stop clinical depression”, “remove hatred”, etc.
To follow the physiology analogy, “remove all negative affect” seems equivalent to saying “cut the right half of the brain off”. That’s approximately half of human emotion that we’d be removing.
But maybe if we can replace “suffering” with an emotion that we don’t intrinsically hate feeling which ends up producing the same “utility function” (as determined behaviorally), then it’s all good? It’s a lot of changes, but then again my preferences are where I place a large part of my identity, so if they are unaltered then maybe I haven’t died here...
Edit: Can you identify any positive preferences within yourself which do not correspond to a positive emotion? (or negative). I’m currently attempting to do so, nothing yet.
Can you taboo “negative affect”? I was fine with it as shorthand when it was pointing vaguely to an illustrative subset of the space of emotions, but if you mean to define it as a sharp-edged boundary of what we can safely eliminate, it might be helpful to define it more clearly.
Depending on what you mean by the term, I might agree with you that “remove all negative affect” is too big a change.
Well, I feel the emotion of satisfaction when I’m aware of my preferences being satisfied, so a correspondence necessarily exists in those cases. In cases where I’m not aware of my preference being satisfied, I typically don’t experience any differential emotion. E.g., given a choice between people not suffering and my being unaware of people suffering, I prefer the former, although I don’t experience them differently (emotionally or any other way).