Monogatari Second Season: Nekomonogatari+Kabukimongatari+Otorimonogatari+Onimonogatari+Koimonogatari (the long-awaited real followup to Bakemonogatari; the original sequel anime, Nisemonogatari, was more than a little disappointing in focusing too much on fanservice, fanservice which aside from the famous toothbrush scene was mostly a waste of time. Second Season, on the other hand, begins with followups on each of the main characters whose problems were solved in Bakemonogatari, but it turns out their problems were really only postponed to a more final reckoning. Beginning with Hanekawa, each sub-arc follows a fresh character’s crisis while slowly shedding light on the larger story they are part of, a lengthy war between a mysteriously destructive interloper and a clairvoyant self-proclaimed to know everything in which they successively manipulate the main characters to create and resolve crises, respectively, with each arc getting closer and closer to involving Kanbaru Suruga in some way. The return of Senjougahara & her dialogue in Nekomonogatari is most welcome to this long-time viewer, and the final Koimonogatari likewise returns the fan favorite con-man Kaiki Deshuu to not just appearances but as protagonist for several episodes, which I especially enjoyed as an antidote to Araragi. I wouldn’t say that it’s better than Bakemonogatari, if only because I don’t think any episode in Second Season has the same impact as episode 12, the overall plot can’t be fairly judged just on the basis of Second Season as it ends right before the Kanbaru arc which seems to be the final arc, and I find the character Nadeko Sengoku impossible to understand or sympathize with in the least so the Otorimonogatari arc was a pain to sit through.)
That’s the final arc chronologically, but there are still a number of unresolved/unrevealed things that will be/are being dealt with in the ongoing season, Owarimonogatari, which is very good so far.
I find the character Nadeko Sengoku impossible to understand
Her issue was that she felt forced to act overly cute to please other people, and eventually got sick of it and lashed out.
will be/are being dealt with in the ongoing season, Owarimonogatari, which is very good so far.
I hope so. Hanamonogatari was a big disappointment after Second Season.
Her issue
No, I got that much. The dialogues were very blunt about that. The problem is that Nadeko is also explained at length to have several other issues, such as being so self-involved that she cannot understand or listen to other people besides her own delusions, and to have a fake love to insulate herself from other people, and these three character problems are practically mutually contradictory (if she’s overly cute to please other people, then she doesn’t need a fake love; if she’s that self-centered & navel-gazing, then why does she need to be overly cute, and how did she fail at self-insight so consistently? if the love was just a convenience, what’s with the whole homicidal rage, not to mention the rather sadistic treatment of snakes right from the beginning of her backstory? how does any of this really fit with the final twist of her being na nfcvevat znatnxn, juvpu lbh’q guvax jbhyq or nagvgurgvpny gb orvat hygen-frys-nofbeorq naq ynpxvat nal erny vafvtug vagb barfrys? and so on). The character makes no sense, but not in a good way, more of a ‘Nise wrote himself into a corner and piled on too many problems to try to justify her homicidal rage’ (ie ‘the lady doth protest too much’). All in all, it left me feeling nonplussed and maybe a bit disgusted.
Monogatari Second Season: Nekomonogatari+Kabukimongatari+Otorimonogatari+Onimonogatari+Koimonogatari (the long-awaited real followup to Bakemonogatari; the original sequel anime, Nisemonogatari, was more than a little disappointing in focusing too much on fanservice, fanservice which aside from the famous toothbrush scene was mostly a waste of time. Second Season, on the other hand, begins with followups on each of the main characters whose problems were solved in Bakemonogatari, but it turns out their problems were really only postponed to a more final reckoning. Beginning with Hanekawa, each sub-arc follows a fresh character’s crisis while slowly shedding light on the larger story they are part of, a lengthy war between a mysteriously destructive interloper and a clairvoyant self-proclaimed to know everything in which they successively manipulate the main characters to create and resolve crises, respectively, with each arc getting closer and closer to involving Kanbaru Suruga in some way. The return of Senjougahara & her dialogue in Nekomonogatari is most welcome to this long-time viewer, and the final Koimonogatari likewise returns the fan favorite con-man Kaiki Deshuu to not just appearances but as protagonist for several episodes, which I especially enjoyed as an antidote to Araragi. I wouldn’t say that it’s better than Bakemonogatari, if only because I don’t think any episode in Second Season has the same impact as episode 12, the overall plot can’t be fairly judged just on the basis of Second Season as it ends right before the Kanbaru arc which seems to be the final arc, and I find the character Nadeko Sengoku impossible to understand or sympathize with in the least so the Otorimonogatari arc was a pain to sit through.)
A Letter To Momo (review)
That’s the final arc chronologically, but there are still a number of unresolved/unrevealed things that will be/are being dealt with in the ongoing season, Owarimonogatari, which is very good so far.
Her issue was that she felt forced to act overly cute to please other people, and eventually got sick of it and lashed out.
I hope so. Hanamonogatari was a big disappointment after Second Season.
No, I got that much. The dialogues were very blunt about that. The problem is that Nadeko is also explained at length to have several other issues, such as being so self-involved that she cannot understand or listen to other people besides her own delusions, and to have a fake love to insulate herself from other people, and these three character problems are practically mutually contradictory (if she’s overly cute to please other people, then she doesn’t need a fake love; if she’s that self-centered & navel-gazing, then why does she need to be overly cute, and how did she fail at self-insight so consistently? if the love was just a convenience, what’s with the whole homicidal rage, not to mention the rather sadistic treatment of snakes right from the beginning of her backstory? how does any of this really fit with the final twist of her being na nfcvevat znatnxn, juvpu lbh’q guvax jbhyq or nagvgurgvpny gb orvat hygen-frys-nofbeorq naq ynpxvat nal erny vafvtug vagb barfrys? and so on). The character makes no sense, but not in a good way, more of a ‘Nise wrote himself into a corner and piled on too many problems to try to justify her homicidal rage’ (ie ‘the lady doth protest too much’). All in all, it left me feeling nonplussed and maybe a bit disgusted.
Just for the record I really liked her arc. I think I saw part of myself in her? Would have to rewatch to be able to be any more specific.
Do you know how much more there is to go? We’re still waiting for the prequel movie, right?
There’s Owari, Zoku-Owari, Kizu (3 movies), then the author has also announced some new books to be written. So who knows...
Announced? Orokamonogatari came out in October.