Then, for the sake of balance, here is one from another tribe: “Both solutions X and Y are mere rationalizations to justify the rich white man’s patriarchal rule. The real solution is to ignore both X and Y, and focus on destroying the system.”
(Last seen: yesterday, in an article about why free online education is actually an evil tool of oppression. A strawmanish summary: It privileges rich white kids with computers and fast internet.)
Yet another tribe: “We don’t need X or Y. Just remove the government and use Bitcoins. Then all the problems will fix themselves!”
(Last seen: two days ago, in a debate about education. I guess, I really live in an insane world.)
Delta, yes. Alpha, beta, and gamma—not so sure. They look like stereotypes of the Enemy from the Other Tribe to me.
Then, for the sake of balance, here is one from another tribe: “Both solutions X and Y are mere rationalizations to justify the rich white man’s patriarchal rule. The real solution is to ignore both X and Y, and focus on destroying the system.”
(Last seen: yesterday, in an article about why free online education is actually an evil tool of oppression. A strawmanish summary: It privileges rich white kids with computers and fast internet.)
Yet another tribe: “We don’t need X or Y. Just remove the government and use Bitcoins. Then all the problems will fix themselves!”
(Last seen: two days ago, in a debate about education. I guess, I really live in an insane world.)