Mm? What words are you talking about? I do contend that ‘pirate’ is a useful and concise verb for ‘obtain a file for free over the internet’. (Although, now that I think about it, that’s not what it technically means, and ‘filesharing’ is probably a better word for the act. Then again, ‘fileshare’ isn’t commonly used as a verb.)
“Theft” and “Piracy” are both Bad Words in this context. “Theft” because it doesn’t actually apply, “Piracy” because it fails to carve reality at the joints (lumps high-seas theft and murder with copying).
The word you are looking for is “Copy”. Nice and short, captures all the important aspects, doesn’t have too much political or moral connotation.
No, but you should Taboo most of the words usually used, because they are not useful.
Mm? What words are you talking about? I do contend that ‘pirate’ is a useful and concise verb for ‘obtain a file for free over the internet’. (Although, now that I think about it, that’s not what it technically means, and ‘filesharing’ is probably a better word for the act. Then again, ‘fileshare’ isn’t commonly used as a verb.)
That’s true, it is just perhaps not a useful verb in this context because there are moral connotations.
“Theft” and “Piracy” are both Bad Words in this context. “Theft” because it doesn’t actually apply, “Piracy” because it fails to carve reality at the joints (lumps high-seas theft and murder with copying).
The word you are looking for is “Copy”. Nice and short, captures all the important aspects, doesn’t have too much political or moral connotation.
Duly noted.