But don’t delay. Whichever conclusion you come to, I can’t imagine you would ever turn around and think “I’m really glad I spent so long putting off really thinking hard about that”. You won’t enjoy it, and you’re unlikely to see it as time well spent.
I’m not saying rush to a conclusion; I am saying rush to thought.
Agreed. Today is not the day, however, due to other circumstances. If I don’t have at least two plausible options for both of the following questions by Saturday, February 6th feel free to pester me.
Who would you bring in on your thinking before it had reached a conclusion, to let them know you’re really wondering?
What would you do to make the best of the situation, given how much you have invested?
But don’t delay. Whichever conclusion you come to, I can’t imagine you would ever turn around and think “I’m really glad I spent so long putting off really thinking hard about that”. You won’t enjoy it, and you’re unlikely to see it as time well spent.
I’m not saying rush to a conclusion; I am saying rush to thought.
Agreed. Today is not the day, however, due to other circumstances. If I don’t have at least two plausible options for both of the following questions by Saturday, February 6th feel free to pester me.
Answer is up, one day late.