It does not say that trolling consists in writing text that falls deaf on the ears of the intended audience. What it says is that trolls have the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.
This is a whole thread where we are supposed to be expressing “dissenting views”. I do have some dissenting views—what better place for them than here?
I deny trolling activities. I am here to learn, to debate, to make friends, to help others, to get feedback—and so on—my motives are probably not terribly different from those of most other participants.
One thing that I am is critical. However, critics are an amazingly valuable and under-appreciated section of the population! About the only people I have met who seem to understand that are cryptographers.
OK, then. Regarding trolling, see:
It does not say that trolling consists in writing text that falls deaf on the ears of the intended audience. What it says is that trolls have the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.
This is a whole thread where we are supposed to be expressing “dissenting views”. I do have some dissenting views—what better place for them than here?
I deny trolling activities. I am here to learn, to debate, to make friends, to help others, to get feedback—and so on—my motives are probably not terribly different from those of most other participants.
One thing that I am is critical. However, critics are an amazingly valuable and under-appreciated section of the population! About the only people I have met who seem to understand that are cryptographers.