Stretching the definition of ‘substantial’ further:
Beth Zero was an ML researcher and Sneerclubber with some things to say. Her blog is down unfortunately but here’s her collection of critical people. Here’s a flavour of her thoughtful Bulverism. Her post on the uselessness of Solomonoff induction and the dishonesty of pushing it as an answer outside of philosophy was pretty good.
Sadly most of it is against foom, against short timelines, against longtermism, rather than anything specific about the Garrabrant or Demski or Kosoy programmes.
Stretching the definition of ‘substantial’ further:
Beth Zero was an ML researcher and Sneerclubber with some things to say. Her blog is down unfortunately but here’s her collection of critical people. Here’s a flavour of her thoughtful Bulverism. Her post on the uselessness of Solomonoff induction and the dishonesty of pushing it as an answer outside of philosophy was pretty good.
Sadly most of it is against foom, against short timelines, against longtermism, rather than anything specific about the Garrabrant or Demski or Kosoy programmes.