Question: Does it allow you to generate new layouts with the same nodes? Being able to write a new node wherever I want, connect it to related nodes, and then let the program figure out how to place it all is one feature of yEd that I can’t quite do without.
There might be other diagram program that let you do that, but I haven’t found it yet. Granted, I haven’t been looking long.
You can rearange nodes at will, you can select some nodes and ask VUE to rearrange them, you can select one node and ask to rearrange all the rest with this node as root of the rearrangement.
Note that VUE takes into account the order of edge creation when rearranging nodes; if you want it to change the order in which edges go out of some node, you may have to recreate these edges or use some other functionality for this that I haven’t yet found
Question: Does it allow you to generate new layouts with the same nodes? Being able to write a new node wherever I want, connect it to related nodes, and then let the program figure out how to place it all is one feature of yEd that I can’t quite do without.
There might be other diagram program that let you do that, but I haven’t found it yet. Granted, I haven’t been looking long.
You can rearange nodes at will, you can select some nodes and ask VUE to rearrange them, you can select one node and ask to rearrange all the rest with this node as root of the rearrangement.
Note that VUE takes into account the order of edge creation when rearranging nodes; if you want it to change the order in which edges go out of some node, you may have to recreate these edges or use some other functionality for this that I haven’t yet found