I can recommend this keyboard. It uses Cherry Blue MX mechanical switches, which have a tactile and audible click a few millimetres above the bottom of the keyboard, allowing you to type without ‘bottoming out’ with a little practice. In general, hand injuries and trauma regarding typing are from two causes: bad hand angling and bottoming out—pressing the key with enough force to hit the bottom of the keyboard, which causes a slight jarring and can make long periods of typing uncomfortable.
I can recommend this keyboard. It uses Cherry Blue MX mechanical switches, which have a tactile and audible click a few millimetres above the bottom of the keyboard, allowing you to type without ‘bottoming out’ with a little practice. In general, hand injuries and trauma regarding typing are from two causes: bad hand angling and bottoming out—pressing the key with enough force to hit the bottom of the keyboard, which causes a slight jarring and can make long periods of typing uncomfortable.