Read novels (my main use for smartphones, read 100+ by now)
Listen podcasts and audio books
Record home videos
Listen to radio (when you’re curious to why the phone network is down, the electric grid has blacked out and there seem to be awfully many sirens going off outside)
Track routes and speeds of runs using GPS
Play emulated 16-bit console RPGs and strategy games that don’t demand much control dexterity
Find out what constellations are currently in the sky where you point the phone
Read barcodes and QR-codes
Photograph signs and pictures and look them up with reverse image search
SSH shell connect to remote machines
Translate text (possibly OCR’d from photos) with Google Translate
Portable audio source for a home stereo system
Quickly scan book or article pages with the high-res camera
Kitchen timer
Smart alarm clock that wakes you up when you start moving around in your sleep close to your wakeup time
Spaced repetition drills on the bus
Remote control for the media center PC
Exercise timer for Tabata, HIIT etc.
USB drive, if you have a micro-USB adapter
Watch movies and TV-shows
Emulate an RPN scientific calculator
Flashlight using the camera flash LED
Share the mobile internet connection with a quick WiFi hotspot
Read novels (my main use for smartphones, read 100+ by now)
Listen podcasts and audio books
Record home videos
Listen to radio (when you’re curious to why the phone network is down, the electric grid has blacked out and there seem to be awfully many sirens going off outside)
Track routes and speeds of runs using GPS
Play emulated 16-bit console RPGs and strategy games that don’t demand much control dexterity
Find out what constellations are currently in the sky where you point the phone
Read barcodes and QR-codes
Photograph signs and pictures and look them up with reverse image search
SSH shell connect to remote machines
Translate text (possibly OCR’d from photos) with Google Translate
Portable audio source for a home stereo system
Quickly scan book or article pages with the high-res camera
Kitchen timer
Smart alarm clock that wakes you up when you start moving around in your sleep close to your wakeup time
Spaced repetition drills on the bus
Remote control for the media center PC
Exercise timer for Tabata, HIIT etc.
USB drive, if you have a micro-USB adapter
Watch movies and TV-shows
Emulate an RPN scientific calculator
Flashlight using the camera flash LED
Share the mobile internet connection with a quick WiFi hotspot
I have Android:
Sleep duration data collection (Sleepbot)
Sleepiness forecast (Sleep watcher)
Google Drive (writing/spreadsheet)
White noise/nature sounds for going to sleep (Lightning bug)
Bed lamp (full screen light)
Notes (Catch)
Google Tasks integration (gtasks)
Countdown and count up timer
Streaming audio (SomaFM)
Fitness improvement (100 Squats)
Camera/Photo manipulation (Painteresque/Vignette/Paper Camera)
Knitting pattern counter/row counter
Habit building reminder (Beeminder/Habit streak/FailLog/TaskLife)
Daily diary
Rain forecast for where I am (SkyMotion)
Shared grocery list
Current images of earth cloud cover and of the sun (Solaris)
Current wave height, temperature and other data covering the whole earth (Earth Now)
IRC client (Android IRC)
walk tracking (MyTracks)
Psychological first aid (The Tools)
Work timer (Pomodroido)
When should I call my family again (Nextcall)