My, that was a long and difficult but worthwhile post. I see why you think it is not the natural state of affairs. Will think some more on it (though can’t promise a full response, it’s quite an effortful post). Am not sure I fully agree with your conclusions.
I’m much more interested in finding out what your model is after having tried to take those considerations into account, than I am in a point-by-point response.
I think this is true for people who’ve been through a modern school system, but probably not a human universal.
My, that was a long and difficult but worthwhile post. I see why you think it is not the natural state of affairs. Will think some more on it (though can’t promise a full response, it’s quite an effortful post). Am not sure I fully agree with your conclusions.
I’m much more interested in finding out what your model is after having tried to take those considerations into account, than I am in a point-by-point response.
This seems like a good conversational move to have affordance for.