“Most AI reserch focus on building machines that do what we say. Aligment reserch is about building machines that do what we want.”
Source: Me, probably heavely inspred by “Human Compatible” and that type of arguments. I used this argument in conversations to explain AI Alignment for a while, and I don’t remember when I started. But the argument is very CIRL (cooperative inverse reinforcment learning).
I’m not sure if this works as a one liner explanation. But it does work as a conversation starter of why trying to speify goals directly is a bad idea. And how the things we care about often are hard to messure and therefore hard to instruct an AI to do. Insert referenc to King Midas, or talk about what can go wrong with a super inteligent Youtube algorithm that only optimises for clicks.
“Humans rule the earth becasue we are smart. Some day we’ll build something smarter than us. When it hapens we better make sure it’s on our side.”
Source: Me
Inspiration: I don’t know. I probably stole the structure of this agument from somwhere, but it was too long ago to remember.
By “our side” I mean on the side of humans. I don’t mean it as an us vs them thing. But maybe it can be read that way. That would be bad. I’ve never run in to that missunderstanding though, but I also have not talked to politicians.
“Most AI reserch focus on building machines that do what we say. Aligment reserch is about building machines that do what we want.”
Source: Me, probably heavely inspred by “Human Compatible” and that type of arguments. I used this argument in conversations to explain AI Alignment for a while, and I don’t remember when I started. But the argument is very CIRL (cooperative inverse reinforcment learning).
I’m not sure if this works as a one liner explanation. But it does work as a conversation starter of why trying to speify goals directly is a bad idea. And how the things we care about often are hard to messure and therefore hard to instruct an AI to do. Insert referenc to King Midas, or talk about what can go wrong with a super inteligent Youtube algorithm that only optimises for clicks.
“Humans rule the earth becasue we are smart. Some day we’ll build something smarter than us. When it hapens we better make sure it’s on our side.”
Source: Me
Inspiration: I don’t know. I probably stole the structure of this agument from somwhere, but it was too long ago to remember.
By “our side” I mean on the side of humans. I don’t mean it as an us vs them thing. But maybe it can be read that way. That would be bad. I’ve never run in to that missunderstanding though, but I also have not talked to politicians.