For example: For years people would comment that EA seemed increasingly ‘about’ AI Risk. the response was almost always to point out most EA money goes to near-termist causes. That reply was true but seemed to be trying to deflect rather than engage openly. Some evidence from the above link that that people had a point and weren’t just hallucinating:
I used to feel CONSTANTLY gaslit reading the EA forum. For some reason this has substantially reduced in recent months. It feels like people actually lay out their actual reasoning. This is an example of a post that feels ‘honest’ to me and would be really unusual a few years ago:
For example: For years people would comment that EA seemed increasingly ‘about’ AI Risk. the response was almost always to point out most EA money goes to near-termist causes. That reply was true but seemed to be trying to deflect rather than engage openly. Some evidence from the above link that that people had a point and weren’t just hallucinating: