Not all people are constructed so that the word-concept ‘noble’ is linked to notions of desirability and value. Such people will reject the idea that their chosen ideological positions appear ‘noble’ to them, or were selected because of their properties of ‘nobility’.
‘Virtuous’ would be a better choice of words, but it renders the statement near-tautological. As it should, because the concept that ought to be expressed here is tautological: any consistent system of values will, upon evaluating itself, perceive itself to be the perfect manifestation of virtue.
Not all people are constructed so that the word-concept ‘noble’ is linked to notions of desirability and value. Such people will reject the idea that their chosen ideological positions appear ‘noble’ to them, or were selected because of their properties of ‘nobility’.
‘Virtuous’ would be a better choice of words, but it renders the statement near-tautological. As it should, because the concept that ought to be expressed here is tautological: any consistent system of values will, upon evaluating itself, perceive itself to be the perfect manifestation of virtue.