Eliezer: I simply KNOW numerous people for whom the phrases “Real value systems—are phrased to generate warm fuzzies in their users,” and “They will sound noble at least to the people who believe them.” are simply untrue. In such people, there is often a DIRECT conflict between “generating warm fuzzies” and “not being mocked”, as they consider the generation of warm fuzzies to be sufficient grounds for mockery. Do you want me to call them and get THEM to post on the comments thread?
Seriously Eliezer. You have NO IDEA how the main bulk of the finance industry thinks about life. I have been there, you have not, and you are mistaken about this. Hitler and Stalin did get warm fuzzies from their ideology, so that creates a lot of confusion. One CAN be a bastard AND like warm fuzzies. That doesn’t mean that every bastard does so. It’s pretty clear that the Marquis de Sade was NOT after warm fuzzies. Much more normal, neither is Genghis Khan or the typical “most popular girl in school”.
Eliezer: I simply KNOW numerous people for whom the phrases “Real value systems—are phrased to generate warm fuzzies in their users,” and “They will sound noble at least to the people who believe them.” are simply untrue. In such people, there is often a DIRECT conflict between “generating warm fuzzies” and “not being mocked”, as they consider the generation of warm fuzzies to be sufficient grounds for mockery. Do you want me to call them and get THEM to post on the comments thread?
Seriously Eliezer. You have NO IDEA how the main bulk of the finance industry thinks about life. I have been there, you have not, and you are mistaken about this. Hitler and Stalin did get warm fuzzies from their ideology, so that creates a lot of confusion. One CAN be a bastard AND like warm fuzzies. That doesn’t mean that every bastard does so. It’s pretty clear that the Marquis de Sade was NOT after warm fuzzies. Much more normal, neither is Genghis Khan or the typical “most popular girl in school”.
I’d very much like to see some of these comments for their perspective on things (as well as their credentials). Could you call them, please?