I don’t see how this is relevant to the statement that adding nodes would be changing the problem. You’re given a specific graph of distances, the challenge is to realize it in the plane. You can’t just add nodes and decide to realize a different graph in the plane instead; where would the distances even come from, anyway, if you haven’t yet computed an embedding?
I don’t see how this is relevant to the statement that adding nodes would be changing the problem. You’re given a specific graph of distances, the challenge is to realize it in the plane. You can’t just add nodes and decide to realize a different graph in the plane instead; where would the distances even come from, anyway, if you haven’t yet computed an embedding?
SarahC cleared it up, so I understand what you do and don’t know in the problem, and why I assumed certain things were given that aren’t.
Though I agree with Roko’s comment that this doesn’t seem to provide insight on resolving ethical differences.