It’s amazing how many problems were caused by using a political rather than monetary prioritisation scheme for the scarce vaccines.
Lots of head-meets-wall moments this week. Like every week. My “favorite” as an EU citizen was the EU criticizing the UK for trying to secure more than way-too-few vaccines. The notion that an entire first-world continent somehow failed so epically in one of the single most important challenges of 2020 (namely, securing enough vaccine) indicates that our leaders somehow weren’t living anywhere close to reality.
And that no leaders worldwide thought of any non-zero-sum solutions to the problem (like paying to increase vaccine production capacity) does not bode well for our ability to solve more difficult coordination problems.
It’s amazing how many problems were caused by using a political rather than monetary prioritisation scheme for the scarce vaccines.
Lots of head-meets-wall moments this week. Like every week. My “favorite” as an EU citizen was the EU criticizing the UK for trying to secure more than way-too-few vaccines. The notion that an entire first-world continent somehow failed so epically in one of the single most important challenges of 2020 (namely, securing enough vaccine) indicates that our leaders somehow weren’t living anywhere close to reality.
And that no leaders worldwide thought of any non-zero-sum solutions to the problem (like paying to increase vaccine production capacity) does not bode well for our ability to solve more difficult coordination problems.