Stephen: Aaah, okay. And yeah, that’s why I said no rescaling.
I mean, if one didn’t already have the “probability of experiencing something is linear in p-norm...” thing, would one still be able to argue superpowers?
From your description, it looks like he still has to use the princple of “probability of experiencing something proportional to p-norm” to justify the superpowers thing.
Browsed through the paper, and, if I interpreted it right, that is kinda what it was doing… Assume there’s some p-norm corresponding to probability. But maybe I misunderstood.
Eliezer: oh, mind elaborating on ‘Historical note: If “observing a particle’s position” invoked a mysterious event that squeezed the amplitude distribution down to a delta point, or flattened it in one subspace, this would give us a different future amplitude distribution from what decoherence would predict. All interpretations of QM that involve quantum systems jumping into a point/flat state, which are both testable and have been tested, have been falsified.’? Thanks.
Stephen: Aaah, okay. And yeah, that’s why I said no rescaling.
I mean, if one didn’t already have the “probability of experiencing something is linear in p-norm...” thing, would one still be able to argue superpowers?
From your description, it looks like he still has to use the princple of “probability of experiencing something proportional to p-norm” to justify the superpowers thing.
Browsed through the paper, and, if I interpreted it right, that is kinda what it was doing… Assume there’s some p-norm corresponding to probability. But maybe I misunderstood.
Eliezer: oh, mind elaborating on ‘Historical note: If “observing a particle’s position” invoked a mysterious event that squeezed the amplitude distribution down to a delta point, or flattened it in one subspace, this would give us a different future amplitude distribution from what decoherence would predict. All interpretations of QM that involve quantum systems jumping into a point/flat state, which are both testable and have been tested, have been falsified.’? Thanks.