You wouldn’t have to stand off beside the mathematical structure of the universe, and say, “Okay, now that you’re finished computing all the mere numbers, I’m furthermore telling you that the squared modulus is the ‘degree of existence’.”
Instead, you’d have to stand off beside the mathematical structure of the universe, and say, “Okay, now that you’re finished computing all the mere numbers, I’m furthermore telling you that the world count is the ‘degree of existence’.”
You wouldn’t have to stand off beside the mathematical structure of the universe, and say, “Okay, now that you’re finished computing all the mere numbers, I’m furthermore telling you that the squared modulus is the ‘degree of existence’.”
Instead, you’d have to stand off beside the mathematical structure of the universe, and say, “Okay, now that you’re finished computing all the mere numbers, I’m furthermore telling you that the world count is the ‘degree of existence’.”