Have you read much about the concerns people have about AI safety on Less Wrong because if you agree with those concerns that would likely change your answer here!
I have and I’m continuing to read them. I used to buy into the singularity view and the fears Bostrom wrote about, but as someone who works in engineering and also works with ML, I don’t believe these concerns are warranted anymore for a few reasons… might write about why later.
Have you read much about the concerns people have about AI safety on Less Wrong because if you agree with those concerns that would likely change your answer here!
I have and I’m continuing to read them. I used to buy into the singularity view and the fears Bostrom wrote about, but as someone who works in engineering and also works with ML, I don’t believe these concerns are warranted anymore for a few reasons… might write about why later.
Fair enough! Would be keen to hear your thoughts here.