Our policy is that most content is welcome on LessWrong, regardless of topic; however, only content that is of interest to most of our readers will be Frontpaged/given much visibility.
gwern’s correct in saying this post was an automatic crosspost, but it would have been fine and good even if Zvi had manually posted it.
I’d encourage most people to post without worrying if their content is “appropriate” and let the mods/site architecture determine how much visibility to give to different pieces.
Our policy is that most content is welcome on LessWrong, regardless of topic; however, only content that is of interest to most of our readers will be Frontpaged/given much visibility.
gwern’s correct in saying this post was an automatic crosspost, but it would have been fine and good even if Zvi had manually posted it.
I’d encourage most people to post without worrying if their content is “appropriate” and let the mods/site architecture determine how much visibility to give to different pieces.