Firstly, why is the rest of the starting state random? In a universe where info can’t be destroyed, like this one, random=max entropy. AI is only possible in this universe because the starting state is low entropy.
Secondly, reaching an arbitrary state can be impossible for reasons like conservation of mass energy momentum and charge. Any state close to an arbitrary state might be unreachable due to these conservation laws. Ie a state containing lots of negitive electric charges, and no positive charges being unreachable in our universe.
Well, quantum. We can’t reach out from our branch to effect other branches.
This control property is not AI. It would be possible to create a low impact AI. Something that is very smart and doesn’t want to affect the future much.
In the other direction, bacteria strategies are also a thing. I think it might be possible, both in this universe and in GOL, to create a non intelligent replicator. You could even hard code it to track its position, and turn on or off to make a smiley face. I’m thinking some kind of wall glider that can sweep across the GOL board destroying almost anything in its path. With crude self replicators behind it.
Observation response timescales. Suppose the situation outside the small controlled region was rapidly changing and chaotic. By the time any AI has done its reasoning, the situation has changed utterly. The only thing the AI can usefully do is reason about GOL in general. Ie any ideas it has are things that could have been hard coded into the design.
Random Notes:
Firstly, why is the rest of the starting state random? In a universe where info can’t be destroyed, like this one, random=max entropy. AI is only possible in this universe because the starting state is low entropy.
Secondly, reaching an arbitrary state can be impossible for reasons like conservation of mass energy momentum and charge. Any state close to an arbitrary state might be unreachable due to these conservation laws. Ie a state containing lots of negitive electric charges, and no positive charges being unreachable in our universe.
Well, quantum. We can’t reach out from our branch to effect other branches.
This control property is not AI. It would be possible to create a low impact AI. Something that is very smart and doesn’t want to affect the future much.
In the other direction, bacteria strategies are also a thing. I think it might be possible, both in this universe and in GOL, to create a non intelligent replicator. You could even hard code it to track its position, and turn on or off to make a smiley face. I’m thinking some kind of wall glider that can sweep across the GOL board destroying almost anything in its path. With crude self replicators behind it.
Observation response timescales. Suppose the situation outside the small controlled region was rapidly changing and chaotic. By the time any AI has done its reasoning, the situation has changed utterly. The only thing the AI can usefully do is reason about GOL in general. Ie any ideas it has are things that could have been hard coded into the design.