Yes, the formal problem is solved. The informal problem—how to deal with non-specified transitions in a complicated real system when you can’t specify all the transitions—isn’t solved, and may be AI complete (and possibly equivalent with AI mastering semantics).
Ok, but that’s not about frames anymore, it’s just a special instance of the general ontology/knowledge representation problem. The frame problem is algorithmic: people didn’t know how to efficiently update states as time passes. We know now.
Yes, the formal problem is solved. The informal problem—how to deal with non-specified transitions in a complicated real system when you can’t specify all the transitions—isn’t solved, and may be AI complete (and possibly equivalent with AI mastering semantics).
Ok, but that’s not about frames anymore, it’s just a special instance of the general ontology/knowledge representation problem. The frame problem is algorithmic: people didn’t know how to efficiently update states as time passes. We know now.