Any chocolate containing sucrose is very unhealthy, and that’s almost all the chocolate you’re likely to encounter unless you specifically seek out sugar-free alternatives. Pure cocoa may be healthy. Cocoa as it’s commonly prepared and served in candy and sweets is not.
It all depends on the context. If I just finished a massive weight lifting workout after a day of eating extremely low-carb, I’m going to need something to replace my glycogen stores. Even with that said, dark chocolate is still a high-fat food. According to the label the brand I’m eating right now contains 86% of my “recommended daily intake” of fat & only 6% of carbohydrates. Further, it provides one of the best fats for you—the saturated fat Stearic acid.
Starch can be converted to glycogen just fine, it just takes longer.
The only good reason I see to eat significant amounts of sugar is if I need an energy boost right now, ideally during exercise, though preemptive bread-eating reduces even that need. Active exercise also reduces the negative effects of eating sugar.
Any chocolate containing sucrose is very unhealthy, and that’s almost all the chocolate you’re likely to encounter unless you specifically seek out sugar-free alternatives. Pure cocoa may be healthy. Cocoa as it’s commonly prepared and served in candy and sweets is not.
It all depends on the context. If I just finished a massive weight lifting workout after a day of eating extremely low-carb, I’m going to need something to replace my glycogen stores. Even with that said, dark chocolate is still a high-fat food. According to the label the brand I’m eating right now contains 86% of my “recommended daily intake” of fat & only 6% of carbohydrates. Further, it provides one of the best fats for you—the saturated fat Stearic acid.
Starch can be converted to glycogen just fine, it just takes longer.
The only good reason I see to eat significant amounts of sugar is if I need an energy boost right now, ideally during exercise, though preemptive bread-eating reduces even that need. Active exercise also reduces the negative effects of eating sugar.
Might want to rethink the bread. Gluten irritates the GI tract & increases gut permeability, which can lead to inflammation & autoimmune disorders.
[citation needed]