Better to think of ways to not spend money than think of ways to keep on living relying on other peoples’ money.
You don’t get rich that way, though. Sure, you can accumulate a comfortable amount of low-grade wealth, but all the real games are played with other people’s money. The only difference between B_For_Bandana’s trick and the typical externalities exploited by your average high roller is the number of zeros involved in the figures.
The only difference between BForBandana’s trick and the typical externalities exploited by your average high roller is the number of zeros involved in the figures.
No way! Our noble masters got their rightful place on top of the Holy Free Market due to their hard work, brilliance, laudable ambition and—as much ressentiment as it might cause in the weak and envious—their overall innate superiority that separates them from the lower orders!
...And even if they do use tricks like that on occasion, lazy and worthless commoners like you shouldn’t dare imitate them. In the hands of the good and the great they do no harm, but just any unwashed pleb exploiting loopholes like those is dangerously subversive of the natural hierarchy.
It may no longer be fashionable to point people to “Politics is the Mind-Killer”, but that was the best example of a good, solid, and avoidable dig at the other side that I’ve seen for quite some time. Mockery contributes nothing, especially in a thread where as far as I can tell no one’s advocated the positions you’re mocking. Downvoted.
Better to think of ways to not spend money than think of ways to keep on living relying on other peoples’ money.
You don’t get rich that way, though. Sure, you can accumulate a comfortable amount of low-grade wealth, but all the real games are played with other people’s money. The only difference between B_For_Bandana’s trick and the typical externalities exploited by your average high roller is the number of zeros involved in the figures.
No way! Our noble masters got their rightful place on top of the Holy Free Market due to their hard work, brilliance, laudable ambition and—as much ressentiment as it might cause in the weak and envious—their overall innate superiority that separates them from the lower orders!
...And even if they do use tricks like that on occasion, lazy and worthless commoners like you shouldn’t dare imitate them. In the hands of the good and the great they do no harm, but just any unwashed pleb exploiting loopholes like those is dangerously subversive of the natural hierarchy.
It may no longer be fashionable to point people to “Politics is the Mind-Killer”, but that was the best example of a good, solid, and avoidable dig at the other side that I’ve seen for quite some time. Mockery contributes nothing, especially in a thread where as far as I can tell no one’s advocated the positions you’re mocking. Downvoted.
Fair enough. Yeah, I ought to at least stick to using those with some more context.